What to do after studying in LLP?
If you want to participate in a full-time bachelor’s or master’s degree, you must submit an application and apply for the admission procedure. You will find more detailed information directly in the Conditions for the Admission to individual programs – bachelor’s or master’s.
Courses taken as part of your extra-curricular lifelong learning course may be recognized as part of your regular studies on application. All successfully completed courses that have been graded with a grade of A, B, C, or D may be accepted up to 60% of the total credit load of the study programme. Completion of the courses must not be older than 5 years. Enrollment in continuing education courses is not cumulative with enrolment in regular studies.
Note: On 1 July, a new Dean's Directive on Lifelong Learning Regulations was issued, where the recognition of courses with classification E was newly abolished.