
Are you a student in search of a paid work placement in your field and a few credits on top of that? Or are you a company looking for enthusiastic employees or highly specialized experts for a project? Cooperation between industry and students benefits all. It’s a win-win situation.

Work placement for students

Get a head start and improve your CV with a period of work experience in IT. HR managers and headhunters will be chasing after you. But you will have no need of them. In addition to practical experience, you will also gain a bunch of new contacts. The path to your dream job is easier than you might think.

Work placement offers

We offer meaningful cooperation

Don’t wait until rival businesses snatch up the best IT experts. Stay close to them already during their studies. Choose a form that suits you best – would you like students to remember you as a proud sponsor of the faculty, or do you prefer them to join you in the practical world of IT in one of your projects? It’s your choice.

Possibilities for companies

Become a member of an enthusiastic IT community

At our faculty, you will find highly specialized experts, IT enthusiasts, students keen on learning, cutting-edge equipment, an innovative environment and an extremely friendly atmosphere. And we know how to make the best use of the mix.

Why cooperate with FIT

We organize networking events

Every semester, students have a possibility to find their dream job and companies to find their dream workers. In just a few hours, students can attend dozens of job interviews in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Where else will you find this type of experience?

COFIT jobs fair

Become a partner or sponsor

We offer many types of partnerships and sponsoring, you just have to choose the one that suits you best. In any case, this is a way to build a successful brand among the young and promising IT community.

How to become a partner or sponsor

Our partners

Renowned and lesser-known companies, multinational giants and Czech businesses – our portfolio of partners is very broad. We have a deep respect for each of them.


Technology Foresight

In our visionary talk show, Sara Polak interviews experts from the faculty and partner companies about technologies that can potentially push development several steps into the future. You will learn about their successes so far, plans and ambitious visions.


Contact information

For more information on cooperation with industry, you can contact our department. We regularly inform about company events or events of our partners on our Facebook page.

Contact persons

Ing. Jakub Novák

Vice-Dean for Cooperation with Industry

The person responsible for the content of this page: Ing. Jakub Novák