Academic Senate

The FIT Academic Senate is the top self-governing representative body of the academic community at FIT. Its members are elected by the academic community from among its members. The Academic Senate approves vital faculty documents, the faculty’s budget and decides on the proposal to appoint dean. The faculty senate is led by the chair and two vice-chairs.


The FIT Academic Senate has 10 members, of which 6 are academic workers and 4 are students. The term in office is 3 years for academic workers and 2 years for students. Any member of the academic community can run for the Academic Senate. The Senate elects a chair, a first and a second vice-chair from among its members.

Members of the Academic Senate

Competences and tasks

The FIT Academic Senate decides on the establishment, merger, dividing and dissolution of departments at the faculty. It approves draft internal regulations and submits them for approval to the CTU Academic Senate. It approves the allocation of the faculty’s financial resources and monitors their use. It decides on the proposal to appoint dean, possibly also proposes his/her removal from office.

Rules of Procedure

Meetings and sessions of the FIT Academic Senate are governed by the Rules of Procedure. These Rules stipulate the Senate’s competences and tasks. They also regulate how the Senate is convened and how the meetings and voting are organized.


Electoral Code

Elections to the FIT Academic Senate are governed by the Electoral Code. This Code also defines how people can run for membership in the Senate. It also stipulates when the elections are legitimate and who can be elected to the Senate.

Electoral Code of the Academic Senate (in Czech)


The FIT Academic Senate meets as needed (at least once in 6 months). All meetings are public. Members of the academic community submit proposals concerning serious matters to the first vice-chair at least 4 working days before the meeting.

Since September 2017, the documents discussed by the Senate are available to the academic community on Google Drive.

Thursday, 9 January 2025, from 12:30

The first meeting of the Academic Senate with new members takes place in the conference room TH:A-1435 and via the MS Teams application on Thursday, 9 January 2025, from 12:30.

The invitation with program (in Czech) will be supplemented.

Minutes of the meetings

The treasurer in cooperation with second vice-chair makes minutes of every meeting of the FIT Academic Senate that include the meeting’s programme, course, results of voting and resolutions. On the next meeting, the second vice-chair will incorporate the comments and the Academic Senate will approve the minutes.

Minutes of the meetings (in Czech only)


The FIT Academic Senate adopts resolutions. The resolutions are final and binding for the whole academic community. They can only be changed by a new resolution of the Senate. The chair of the Academic Senate submits the resolutions from meetings to the dean, the treasurer publishes them on this website.

Resolutions (in Czech only)


Members of the academic community at the faculty can run for Senate and can elect their representatives to the FIT Academic Senate and to the CTU Academic Senate. The voting method and the organization of elections to the two senates are similar. The election is direct and conducted by secret ballot, it is managed by the election committee and the votes are cast electronically in a voting app. The elections are governed by the relevant Electoral Code.

Elections (in Czech only)

Elections for FIT and CTU Academic Senate

The election committee call an election for:

  • CTU Academic Senate in the student constituency for the term 2025-26,
  • FIT Academic Senate in the constituency of academic staff for the term of office 2024-27 and in the constituency of students for the term of office 2024-26.

CTU AS Election Details (in Czech only) FIT AS Election details (in Czech only)

Contact persons

If you have any questions, please contact the first vice-chair, Mr. Štěpán Pechman, or directly the individual members of the Senate. The chairmen will be elected at the inaugural meeting of the AS FIT.

Štěpán Pechman

First Vice-Chair of the Academic Senate

The person responsible for the content of this page: Ing. Jan Řezníček