
Do you enjoy computer science? Come and study with us at the Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Technical University in Prague. You can choose from many areas of Informatics, from theoretical computer science through software engineering to computer security and hardware. Few fields are developing as fast as computer science today, and there is such a demand for young talented graduates.

Study specializations and programs

Artificial intelligence, hacking, data mining, IoT, cryptocurrencies, robotics, virtualization – buzzwords that everyone uses, but few really understand. We have included most of what the diverse world of Informatics has to offer in our study specializations. Come and choose. 

Bachelor Study Program in Informatics Master Study in Informatics

Office of Study Affairs

We will help you go through your studies smoothly – at least when it comes to the administrative matters. Come during the office hours to ask us anything, get advice, or just write to us.

Office of Study Affairs


You probably remember your birthday and some holidays. However, there are other important dates that you should not forget: registrations, exam periods, final exams and so on. 


Systems gateway

During your studies, you will come across a lot of useful online tools and other support services. To facilitate orientation, we have those all summarized in one place. 

Systems gateway

Study guide

We have a guide for you so that you do not get lost in all the information. It will help you not get lost in the tangle of study rules and concepts and will answer your questions before you just ask.

Study guide

Study abroad

Is Prague small for you? Do you want to gain experience from foreign colleagues? Do you need to practice a foreign language? Or do you just want to change the climate for a while? Go on an internship abroad. We will advise you on how to do this and help you arrange everything you need. 


The person responsible for the content of this page: Ing. Zdeněk Muzikář, CSc.