Science and research

Every day, in every laboratory and in every research group, we try to push the boundaries of IT. Cutting-edge equipment together with our passion for science and eagerness to experiment create an ideal environment for new inventions.

Research topics

The scope of our research topics is very wide: we explore the possibilities of artificial intelligence and programming of embedded systems, we are looking for new ways to use large amounts of data that humanity produces every day, we teach robots new tricks and much more.


Research groups

There are currently 13 research groups and more will be created in the future. They look into virtually all areas of basic and applied research in the field of informatics.

Research groups


Thanks to our superbly equipped laboratories we are able to carry out top research and experiments. We do not verify our hypotheses only on a theoretical level – practical testing is an everyday part of scientific work at FIT.



We do not try to hide the results of our research work. You can read about our achievements, small steps forward and blind alleys in the books and papers we have published so far.



A number of research projects are funded from Czech and foreign grants. We are currently working on 6 Czech projects funded from grants.


Why do science with us?

Help us push the boundaries of informatics. Become a member of one of our research groups where you will be able to capitalize on your knowledge and ideas. Get to know your favourite field of study also outside the classroom!


How to get involved in research

Would you like to experiment, test the newly acquired knowledge in practice, or are you dreaming about making a groundbreaking invention in IT? Join in one of the types of research. Knock on the door of any laboratory or become a member of one of our research groups.


Doctoral study program

Become an expert in your favourite field of informatics. Get to know all its secrets and kick off your academic career! In case you later decide to transform the knowledge gained during your PhD studies into practice, you will have a huge competitive advantage and will instantly become an IT guru.


Habilitation proceedings and proceedings to appoint professors

One of the peaks of any academic career is closely linked to scientific activities. Thanks to your achievements in science you can eventually become associate professor or professor.


Contact persons

doc. Ing. Štěpán Starosta, Ph.D.

Vice-Dean for Science and Research

Mgr. Lenka Fryčová

Officer for doctoral studies

Aleš Rýznar, M.A.

The person responsible for the content of this page: doc. Ing. Štěpán Starosta, Ph.D.