Office of Science and Research

  • Office of Science and Research
  • People

The Office of Science and Research deals with all things connected to the scientific research activity performed at the faculty, including doctoral studies and habilitation proceedings and proceedings to appoint professors. We provide support for submitting project applications to national and international public competitions in research and development, and we are responsible for the agenda connected to the solution of scientific research projects that have been accepted for financing.

The Office of Science and Research is responsible for:

  • Doctoral studies agenda
  • Agenda of the national grant activities, SGC grants and scientific research projects (grants)
  • Agenda of the FIT Scientific Council and the Board of DSP in Informatics
  • Administration and organization of habilitation proceedings and proceedings to appoint professors
  • Monitoring reporting of publication activity of PhD students and academic workers
  • Support for submitting project applications to national and international public competitions in research and development
  • Coordination of the Research Summer at FIT event

Office hours during semester

You can contact Mgr. Lenka Fryčová, officer for doctoral studies, by email at or by phone on +420 733 690 890. She is also available to students during her office hours in room TH:A-1028.

MONDAY 09:00–11:00
WEDNESDAY 13:00–15:00
THURSDAY 14:00–16:00

Contact information

If you would like to know the details of any of the grants or would like to report a grant submission, you can contact us at the email

doc. Ing. Štěpán Starosta, Ph.D.

Vice-Dean for Science and Research

Mgr. Lenka Fryčová

Officer for doctoral studies

Where to find us

The office is located on the 3rd floor of the CTU New Building. The officer’s office for doctoral studies is on the 10th floor of Building A.

Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Information Technology
Office of Science and Research
Thákurova 9
Prague 6 – Dejvice
160 00