Scientific Council

The faculty’s Scientific Council is a self-governing academic body that discusses the strategic plan of educational and creative activity and approves study programs. In addition, it also deals with habilitation proceedings and proceedings to appoint professors. The Council is chaired by the Dean, and its members are top experts in the field of information technology.


The Council is chaired by the Dean, who appoints its members. At least one third of its members are people who are not members of the academic community at CTU. The term in office is 4 years. Experts in the fields in which the faculty implements educational and creative activity can become members of the Council.

Members of the Scientific Council

Powers and tasks

The Council approves proposed study programs at the faculty. It is active in habilitation proceedings and proceedings to appoint professors. It also approves members of the Board of the doctoral study program and exemptions for non-habilitated supervisors of PhD students and non-habilitated members of committees for state final examinations. The Council also discusses issues raised by the Dean.

Rules of Procedure

The activities of the Scientific Council are governed by the Rules of Procedure. The Rules stipulate the rights and obligations of the Council and its composition. The Rules stipulate how the Council shall be convened and how its meetings and voting are conducted.

Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Council (in Czech)


The Scientific Council meets as necessary. The meetings are public and are convened by the Dean or following a petition in writing by at least one third of its members.

Tuesday, 15 April 2025, at 14:00

The 31th meeting of the FIT Scientific Council will take place on 15 April 2025 at 14:00 in conference room TH:A-1435 on the 14th floor of Building A (Thákurova 7, Prague 6).

Minutes of the meetings

Minutes of the Scientific Council meetings are made, which include the program of the meeting, its course and conclusions of the public part and conclusions of the closed part, including results of voting. The results of electronic voting become part of the minutes from the nearest meeting in the future.

Minutes of the meetings (in Czech only)

Contact persons

In case you have any questions concerning the FIT Scientific Council, please contact Ing. Ladislava Smítková Janků, Ph.D., or Mgr. Lenka Fryčová.

The person responsible for the content of this page: doc. Ing. Štěpán Starosta, Ph.D.