Ing. Lucie Svitáková


Bachelor theses

Design and implementation of data flow analysis in the StreamSets platform for Manta project

Marek Burdeľ
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Lucie Svitáková
The purpose of this thesis is to research data movements in StreamSets platform, design, and implement a functional prototype module that will perform a data flow analysis for StreamSets objects. The module is executable from the Manta project, which focuses on providing data lineage analysis for a wide range of technologies. The result of the data analysis is a graph whose nodes and edges represent the data lineage in the StreamSets environment. The work proposes an algorithm for recognizing and extending elementary objects from the StreamSets environment to achieve the resulting graph. The graph can be displayed using the Manta project.

Portal for matching invoices with public contracts

Matěj Adamec
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Lucie Svitáková
Ing. Marek Sušický
The Ministries of the Czech republic enter into contracts with suppliers and subsequently issue invoices that are paid out. The ministries publish information on both of these items. However, a comprehensive overview of which invoices belong to a particular contract does not exist, and linking them is often hard. Therefore, this bachelor's thesis deals with a design of methods for mapping invoices to contracts, published by ministries in the Czech Republic. Part of this thesis is also an implementation of these methods and the creation of a web application that presents the results and points out any discrepancies. In order to create a connection, the individual attributes and relationships that can be used in mapping are described. Subsequently, three applications are designed and implemented. The first one extracts information about invoices and contracts from available sources and stores them in a database for further processing. The second application maps invoices to contracts based on defined tests. The third one, a web application, presents the mapping results and points out contracts where discrepancies have been identified. This work's contribution is a new perspective on the management of public funds and better control of state institutions.

Portal for Representation of Analytical Results and Other Information About Technical Inspection Stations

Aleksandra Parkhomenko
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Lucie Svitáková
Ing. Kamil Dedecius, Ph.D.
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is an analysis of an open dataset which contains records of inspections at the vehicle inspection stations in 2018, designing methods for detecting suspicious behavior at the stations based on the acquired knowledge and development of a web portal for the representation of the results and providing other useful information for users. Three methods for the detection of suspicious behavior at stations were proposed: searching for inspections after the closing time, checking the density of inspections based on the number of inspection lines and detecting suspiciously frequent concurrences of car brands. A web portal has also been designed to display the results of applying these methods.

Master theses

Data flow analysis in SAP Business Objects

Jan Potočiar
Master thesis
Ing. Lucie Svitáková
The goal of this thesis was a data flow analysis in the reporting tool SAP BusinessObjects, a design, and implementation of a module, which integrates the data flows into Manta. The methodology test-driven development was analyzed and used during the work on the module as well. The implementation is written in Java; several other tools were used, such as Maven, JUnit, and ANTLR. A functional prototype of the desired module was successfully created and integrated into Manta.