The MARAST system currently has 16,000 exercises and counting
Students spent almost 8 mil. minutes watching our videos
We have published more than 80 articles in specialized media
Every year, we have 50 bachelor graduates in AI specialization
Since the department’s establishment, 22 children have been born to our staff
Contact persons
Ing. Daniel Vašata, Ph.D.
Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics
- +420224359888
- TH:A-1431
Ing. Blanka Andriková
Secretary of the Department of Applied Mathematics
- +420224358780
- TH:A-1431
Where to find us
Department of Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Information Technology
Czech Technical University in Prague
Building A, 14th floor
Thákurova 7
160 00 Prague 6 – Dejvice