Dissertation theses
Constraint Solving
We develop software, theory, and algorithms that can solve mathematical constraints consisting of non-linear equalities and inequalities, conjunctions, disjunctions, and logical quantifiers. We apply the constraint solving technology in several areas (e.g., verification of complex systems, computation of Lyapunov functions), and offer a large range of thesis topics in the area.
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Executable Specifications
One of the big drawbacks of classical methods for specifying software requirements is that it is difficult to check the consistency and adequacy of a given specification. The software engineering community has come up with various remedies to this situation (e.g., model based software engineering, agile software development, executable algebraic specification) that usually aim at allowing the user to see the actual behavior of a given specification as early as possible in the development process, but that makes compromises in terms of expressivity or precision. In the thesis, the student will design an executable formal specification language that fulfills two seemingly contradicting objectives:
• High modeling capabilities in terms of expressivity and precision
• Efficient execution
The key to achieving both objectives at the same time will be the design of annotations for the specification language that provide information necessary of efficient execution. Increasing user efforts in writing annotations will result in increasing efficiency of execution of the given specification.
Robot Motion Planning Under Complex Dynamical Constraints
Assume a certain task for a robot, for example: Move from point A to point B without colliding with any obstacle. Robot motion planning is the problem of finding a plan for the actuators of the robot such that the resulting movement of the robot satisfies the given task. The currently dominant class of algorithms for motion planning are sampling based, rapidly expanding a tree that explores the search space of possible plans. However, such algorithms usually use rough approximations the dynamics of the robotics, which may result in highly sub-optimal plans.
The goal of this topic is to design theory, algorithms, and software for efficiently handling realistic models of robot dynamics in sampling based motion planning. All algorithms will be implemented in the frame of the Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL, https://ompl.kavrakilab.org/ ) which will allow their usage by practitioners in robotics world-wide.
Literature: Andreas Orthey, Constantinos Chamzas, and Lydia E. Kavraki: Sampling-Based Motion Planning: A Comparative Review, Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems,Volume 7, 2024
Verification of Complex Systems
The Pendolino train from Prague to Ostrava had severe problems in its initial phase: from time to time it stopped in the middle of nowhere due to a software bug. Similar bugs have been the cause of more severe incidents, for example the crash of the Ariane 5 rocket in 1996. We are doing research that will help to avoid such problems in the future, and offer a large range of thesis topics in the area.
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