G²OAT seminar: Structural Parameterizations for Bounded Degree Vertex Deletion Revisited


14. 10. 2024
13:00 – 14:00


Room TH:A-1247

Thákurova 7, Prague 6



In the regular Monday seminar of the G²OAT group, Manolis Vasilakis (Université Paris-Dauphine) will focus on the setting of structural parameterizations for graph problems, and in particular on how fine-grained complexity hypotheses, namely SETH and ETH, can be used to obtain often tight lower bounds for parameterized algorithms.

Event website



In this talk we focus on the setting of structural parameterizations for graph problems, and in particular on how hypotheses of Fine-grained Complexity, namely SETH and ETH, can be used to obtain oftentimes tight lower bounds for parameterized algorithms. Towards this end, we will study the Bounded Degree Vertex Deletion problem, a natural generalization of Vertex Cover. We will present tight lower bounds under different parameterizations, exhibiting a variety of techniques that might be useful for other reductions as well.

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