Job offers for students

Guide to creating offers

Our students are most interested in offers related to their study specialization, do not stress them out to the point of dropping out of school, and mean (at least for a while) the security of a regular income. At the same time, they are often looking for offers where they can learn something new and where they can work with senior experts.

How to publish an offer
For partners and sponsors only

  1. Register at
  2. Send your name and registration email to so we can match your account with the organization.
  3. Complete your profile and manage your offers.

Advertising is included in the price of cooperation for all partners and sponsors of FIT CTU.


Types of offers

For inspiration, here are some of the types of offers that have been successful with our students over the years.

Contract project (independent task)

This is a clearly defined task, which students deliver on-demand. Students are expected to have the prerequisites for successful completion of the task or are able to find expert assistance on their own. More preferred are tasks that are independent of the assignor’s environment (do not require knowledge of internal systems) and can be solved without any further requirements to connect to the existing infrastructure/ecosystem.


Prototype of an application for monitoring company mentions on Twitter
Map suitable existing tools and create a prototype application that will monitor mentions of our company on the Twitter social network. The output will be a program API that will provide an overview of mentions going at least a month back and return the estimated sentiment of the tweets, or other attributes, in addition to the text of the tweets.

  • Reward: 30 thous. CZK
  • Delivery date: December 2025 (i.e. I am not in a hurry, it is a nice-to-have project.)

A common mistake is that the assignor assumes delivery of a production-ready software within a deadline and expects the students to maintain the software for the company afterwards. In this case, it is better to contact a software company instead. Students will most likely deliver a prototype or so-called proof-of-concept. It is also not recommended to assign tasks that need to be delivered soon or are on the “red path” within the delivery.

School work

Unlike a contract (where the student solves a problem for your company), this type of opportunity assumes that the student’s problem is primarily being solved, i.e., learning something and meeting their obligations. The expectation is that this work will be submitted as a semestral work or final thesis. Therefore the assignment must be interesting from the university’s perspective and must (especially for final theses) meet certain rules. The details are dealt with when the thesis topic is approved by the faculty. It is preferable if the assignment contains some research questions, but it must not be the case.


Algorithms for NP-hard problems
For some NP-hard problems, there are practical algorithms that use “typical input properties”. Loosely speaking, an NP-hard problem is one for which we do not assume the existence of an effective algorithm (without any other limitations). For example, a common input may come from a specific chart class or be limited in some other way (for example, scales are only in a certain interval, etc.). NP-hard problems are plentiful; the thesis will deal with a specific variant of a pre-selected graph problem or problem from algorithmic game theory.

  • Reward: 10 thous. CZK
  • Delivery date: December 2025 (i.e. I am not in a hurry for this.)

As you can see from the example, the assignment can be quite general. It is specified in more detail when students apply. However, overly general assignments are not very attractive to students. For this type of assignment, we have to follow local legal requirements, according to which students’ school work is their intellectual property. Therefore, a specific licensing model needs to be established.

Job offers

Students prefer a part-time offer that allows them to work while studying. In their final year, students also consider full-time jobs, especially if the employer offers flexible working arrangements so that they can work while completing their final thesis and preparing for the national final exams.


Junior Python developer
See, for example,

Students are increasingly aware of what product they are working on and for whom, what they can learn, and how they will help the world. That is why it is important to pay attention not only to the job description but also to communicate the company’s vision and mission. We recommend that you name the experts with whom students will work and from whom they can learn, and specify the projects they will work on. This is often a more important argument than salary and company benefits.


If you have experts in your company who are willing to give their time to the students, teach them something and learn something from them, mentoring is an interesting way to establish long-term cooperation with the students.


Mentoring [Mentor_Name]
For example, a link to a LinkedIn profile or topics and experiences that the mentor would like to pass on to the students.

It is important that the mentor is willing to give his/her time (at least a few hours a week). If some students sign up, the mentor will be able to choose from them.

Student research support

The faculty already has several PhD students who are supported by a company. The company sends donations to support them, and the faculty then pays the money to the students as a premium scholarship.


Supporting student research in hardware security
We offer support to students who are research active in the field of hardware security. This mainly includes support for PhD students (so-called industrial PhD), but we are also happy to support master’s or bachelor’s students with interesting results (e.g. publications at high-quality international conferences or co-authorship of a popular open-source project).

Pay attention to the fact that the results students produce in their research belong to them. If software is produced as part of the work, it is usually released as open-source under the MIT license. As part of the industrial PhD, you get an unrestricted, non-exclusive license to the work results.

The person responsible for the content of this page: Ing. Jakub Novák