Board of the Master Study Program

The Study Program Board (SPB) is an expert, control and evaluation body for studies in the master study program. The activity and meetings of the board are regulated by Dean’s Order No. 82/2023. SPB prepares a report on its activities and evaluation of studies in the given study program once per year, which it submits to the dean.

The Board’s main competences include:

  • To comment on proposals for new accreditations, their extension and adding new specializations.
  • To comment on changes in the structure and content of courses.
  • To comment on the content and scope of the state final examination.
  • To comment on areas of the state final examination.
  • To comment on the composition of examination committees for the state final examination.
  • To monitor compliance of the study program with valid accreditation.
  • To monitor the development and modernization of study plans.
  • To monitor the quality of implemented study plans and feedback from the questionnaire.
  • To discuss proposals and suggestions submitted by guarantors of programs, guarantors of branches/specializations, guarantors of profile courses, and suggestions by other academic workers.

Composition of the Boards
N1801, N0613A140001 and N0613A140024

The Study Program Board is composed of guarantors of branches and specializations, guarantors of profile courses and outside experts. It is led by the guarantor of the program, who also presides over the Board’s meetings. Members of the Board are appointed by the dean following a discussion at the Dean’s Gremium and approval by the FIT Academic Senate. The Board follows methodological instructions and is assessed by the Vice-Dean for Study Affairs.

Meetings of the Board

The dates of the meetings are set by the chair as needed with respect to the submitted proposals, or as requested by the dean. The Board’s meetings are open to the academic community at FIT. Minutes are made from the meetings, which are made available to the academic community at FIT.