Lecture: Deep Learning and Physical Attacks on Embedded Systems: How Deep can we go?


28. 4. 2022
18:00 – 19:00


Lecture hall T9:105

Thákurova 9, Prague 6


No reservation needed



Professor Lejla Batina from Radboud University in Nijmegen (the Netherlands) will speak exclusively at FIT CTU. Her research interests include cryptographic implementations and physical attacks and countermeasures. In her talk, she will survey some recent results on the two-fold connection between deep learning and side-channel analysis and discuss directions for future work. Her lecture will be preceded by a lecture of Joan Daemen.


Recently, the potential of machine and consequently deep learning on side-channel analysis was discovered and confirmed even on protected cryptographic implementations. The success of those experiments has led to deep learning techniques becoming a mainstream component in side-channel leakage evaluations.

Conversely, recent work has shown that neural networks can be reversed engineered by the side-channel attacker, i.e., the adversary using physical leakage such as timing and EM. This makes neural nets an interesting target as in some applications such as security evaluation, HD maps for autonomous vehicles etc., as optimized network architectures are considered an IP.

This talk will survey some recent results on this two-fold connection between deep learning and side-channel analysis and discuss directions for future work.

Lejla Batina

Lejla Batina is a full professor in the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS) at Radboud University and the teaching director of the institute. She received the Dipl. Ing. (equivalent) degree in Mathematics and Physics and the Master of Science degree in Pure Mathematics from the University of Zagreb, Croatia (1995). Her PhD degree in Cryptography is from KU Leuven, Belgium (2005). Prior to joining Radboud University in 2009, she was a postdoctoral researcher with the COSIC group at KU Leuven (2006–2009) and a cryptographer at Pijnenburg Securealink (later SafeNet BV) in the Netherlands (2001–2003). Her research interests include cryptographic implementations and physical attacks and countermeasures.

She has served on the program committees of all top crypto and security conferences (USENIX Security, CCS, EUROCRYPT, CRYPTO, etc.). She was a program co-chair of ACM WiSec 2021 and CHES 2014 and a general co-chair of CHES 2012, EUROCRYPT 2021 and RWC 2021.

She received a VIDI grant from the Dutch government in 2014 and acted as the PI in several research projects with national and EU funding. She leads a group of 11 researchers at Radboud, and 9 PhD students graduated under her supervision.

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