Doc. Ing. Pavel Kordík, Ph.D., is an innovator whose work focuses on connecting academia with industry and innovation in the field of artificial intelligence. He is the vice-dean of cooperation with the industry at FIT CTU. In his work at FIT CTU, he benefits from his experience and involvement in several companies, startups, and non-profit initiatives. For example,, whose vision is to turn Prague into a European center of artificial intelligence, or AI for Kids, seeks to improve the field of education through AI, among other things.
Do you want to be prepared for what's ahead in artificial intelligence (AI) in 2024? Come to the lecture within the series Informatics Evenings with doc. Pavel Kordík, Vice Dean for Cooperation with Industry at FIT CTU and an expert in AI. The lecture will present current AI discoveries that will significantly impact how the world around us will soon look like. The time from discovery to application development to global adoption is incredibly short in AI. That's why we expect to see the latest innovations in AI research come to fruition in a matter of months. That's why it's important to know about them.
For more and additional information on the talk, please see the series of articles Latest AI developments explained (OpenAI SORA, World models, Q*).