Nearly 200 Czech and foreign hackers competed at the European Health Hackathon 2021 at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM) in Prague, aiming to create innovations in the healthcare industry within 48 hours. The winning project by students of FIT and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB), UrineMeter, enables automatic and accurate measurement of urine excreted by patients. Adam Vojtěch, the Minister of Health, presented a check for EUR 3,000 to Bit Beasts, the winning team.
Nearly 200 hackers in 38 innovation teams met for the fourth time at the health hackathon. The young hackers were looking for solutions to 15 healthcare challenges that closely relate to the involvement of technology in diagnosis and treatment, in areas such as cardiology, diabetes, chronic diseases, or even patient comfort and orientation in a medical facility.
The main prize was awarded to the UrineMeter project of the Bit Beasts team consisting of Daniel Zábojník and Andrej Ladislav Kováč from FIT CTU and Ondřej Bohatý from UWB. UrineMeter is a device placed between a bed and a urine bag, accurately measuring the volume of excreted urine.
“Our device automatically measures the urine output of patients in healthcare facilities. The data is sent via the internet to a database where the doctor or nurse can easily see tables and important values without disturbing the patient for the measurement,” said Andrej Ladislav Kováč, a winning team member. “We would like to see the device put into practice and make the work of healthcare professionals easier,” he added.
A team of mentors from the ranks of IKEM physicians, artificial intelligence and data analysis experts was always available to the hackers.