Disciplinary Committee

The Disciplinary Committee is a faculty body that hears student disciplinary offences in disciplinary proceedings and submits a proposal for a decision to the Dean. The Committee is composed of faculty employees and students. The deliberations and decisions of the Committee are not public. CTU Disciplinary Code governs the activities of the Committee.

Composition of the Committee

Members of the Disciplinary Committee are appointed by the Dean from among the members of the faculty academic community with the approval of the FIT Academic Senate. The Committee has ten members, half of whom are students. The Dean appointed the following members of the Disciplinary Committee for the term of office from 19 January 2024 to 18 January 2026:



Disciplinary proceedings

The proposal to discuss disciplinary offence is submitted to the Dean. It can be submitted by any individual in any way (e.g. via email, the Records Office, the Dean’s Secretariat or the Office of Study Affairs). If the proposal is legitimate, the Dean submits a proposal for initiating disciplinary proceedings to the Disciplinary Committee. It then discusses the accusations in the student’s presence and proposes a possible sanction. Based on this proposal, the Dean will issue their decision.

Disciplinary offence

A culpable breach of an obligation stipulated by law or another legal regulation, internal regulations of CTU or the faculty is considered an offence. An offence may include, for example, cheating or copying during an examination or a test, plagiarism (presenting someone else’s work as your own), deliberate destruction and damage to CTU property, or aggressive (physical or verbal) behaviour.

Possible sanctions

The Disciplinary Committee may recommend several sanctions or propose waiving its imposition. The proposed sanctions may be a reprimand, conditional expulsion from studies (with a set time limit for making amends), or total expulsion from studies.

Anonymized overview of decisions

Decisions on imposed sanctions are not public. However, we publish an anonymized overview of offences which can provide an idea of the seriousness of the infringement and the disciplinary sanctions that may follow in such cases.

The academic year 2022/2023

Study programme Year Offence Sanction
Bachelor’s programme 4 Plagiarism of bachelor’s thesis Expulsion from studies