Detailed information about your rights and obligations associated with studying at the faculty can be found in the directives and regulations. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have through the counselling section or at our Office of Study Affairs.
Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions
Study and Examination Rules for Students of CTU
Rules for Granting Scholarships of CTU
Disciplinary Code for Students of CTU
Code of Accommodation Rules of CTU
Order No. 12/2023 Admission procedure and rules for further study of students from the Russian Federation and Belarus and implementation of a ban on provision of technical assistance and other measures related to the war situation in Ukraine
FIT regulations
Directive No. 57/2023 For the administration of the bachelor and master study programme in Informatics (PDF, 552,51 KB)
Directive No. 58/2023 For final thesis and the State Final Examination (PDF, 507,53 KB)
Decision No. 16/2022 On the admission and further study of students from the Russian Federation or Belarus and implementation of the ban to provide technical assistance and other measures in connection with the war situation in Ukraine (in Czech) (PDF, 330,47 KB)
Annex No. 1 to Decision No. 16/2022: Sample application for further study (in Czech) (PDF, 191,04 KB)
Annex No. 2 to Decision No. 16/2022: List of critical study courses in bachelor and master study programs (in Czech) (PDF, 70,84 KB)
Directive No. 35/2019 on Extraordinary Study of Individual Courses of Accredited Study Programmes within the Lifelong Learning Programme (in Czech) (PDF, 306,96 KB)
Extraordinary Study of Individual Courses of Study Programmes within the Framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme (PDF, 165,36 KB)
Fees and payments
Fees connected with study for the 2023/2024 academic year (PDF, 94,79 KB)
Fees connected with study for the 2024/2025 academic year (PDF, 138,53 KB)
Fees connected with study for the 2022/2023 academic year (PDF, 92,14 KB)
Payments for exceptional and non-standard administrative services for the 2023/2024 academic year (PDF, 84,00 KB)
Payments for exceptional and non-standard administrative services for the 2024/2025 academic year (PDF, 232,13 KB)
Payments for exceptional and non-standard administrative services for the 2022/2023 academic year (PDF, 75,59 KB)