Ing. Tomáš Nováček


Bachelor theses

System for electronic voting in Mensa ČR

Vladimir Cherkezov
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
This bachelor's thesis dedicates to analysis, design, and subsequent implementation of a web application, the goal of which is to ensure elections for the non-profit organization Mensa CZ. The thesis contains a detailed analysis of web application security, during which you can get acquainted with theoretical solutions to security problems and practical solutions in the frameworks Ruby on Rails and Symfony, which are described during the analysis of the application Baletka, respectively the implementation of the Election System for Mensa CZ. The voting system, which is the final product of the work, is designed and tested in cooperation with the organization Mensa CZ. These processes can be found in the relevant sections and the addition in which the wireframes of this application are located.

Mobile application for an amateur tennis league

Jan Steuer
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
This bachelor thesis deals with the development of a mobile application to facilitate the organization of a tennis league. The reader is gradually guided through the individual phases of software development - analysis, design, implementation and testing. Initially, the thesis puts an interpretation on the problem domain and proposes an application solution. It then familiarises the reader with the introduction to Android application development and offers interesting implementation points. At the very end, it mainly describes the progression of user testing. The output of this thesis is a functioning and user-friendly Android application, which replaces the current way of organizing the AMTEL Opava league.

Unity module for MultiLeap library

Radoslav Kondáč
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Tomáš Kotál
This bachelor thesis explores the possibilities of interaction between user and virtual environment and scenes made in Unity game engine, primarily by using Leap Motion sensors and MultiLeap library. The results are Unity plugin, which enables the use of multiple Leap Motion sensors to accurately track hands in real space and subsequently project these in virtual space, and two testing Unity scenes used as a demo showcase.

Migration of Mensa online magazine

Dominik Křížek
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Tomáš Kubeš
Our goal in this work is to create an application for content migration from the MultiCMS system to the WordPress platform. We analyze both content management systems, discuss different ways of migrating data, and present several tools that could achieve the goal. Finally, we describe the analysis of the migration problem itself, like the individual entities that we need to migrate. We also describe the implementation of the migration application in the Symfony framework, namely the part that can be controlled via the console and the part that can be controlled via the graphical user interface, which will be accessible via a web browser. In the Conclusion, we present further development of the application within the future cooperation with the client and possible use of the application for other developers.

Modular web application for organization of freshman camps

Katarína Gedrová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Jan Horáček
In this work, I am developing a modular web application for organization of freshman camps based on existing applications Seznamovák and Magistrovák, which take place every year at FIT CTU in Prague. Part of this thesis is an analysis of the mentioned applications, an analysis of available solutions for the generation of a modular application, defining the problems of the current solution and the solution proposal, how to modify the mentioned solution so that it has the properties of a modular application.

Mobile application Seznamovák

Michaela Kučerová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
The focus of this thesis is the development of the mobile application Seznamovák for Android operating system written in Kotlin programming language. The thesis includes an analysis of the original version of the application together with the definition of the requirements for the new solution, which is followed by the design and implementation of this solution. Finally, the thesis deals with the user testing of the application. The result of this thesis is a functional mobile application that will serve the participants and organizers of the introductory course of the Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Technical University in Prague.

Web for students' club FIT++

Martin Pilný
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Jan Horáček
The issue of creating web applications tailored to the client's needs is still there. In this thesis, the client is the student' club FIT++, which regularly deals with admission of new members, organizing events and the election of their representatives. The reader can learn more about how to analyze requirements, unless the client is one person, but the whole club people. The thesis also analyzes the online elections and a comparison of tools that could better address this issue. In the design of the solution, the thesis brings possible approaches to solving several requirements of club members, such as the organization of events or registration process new member. Outcome of the implementation part of the thesis is an application with a connection to database, a public part for the presentation of the club and a private part for administration. The thesis then explains solution procedures of client requirements that could be inspiration for similar projects. In the last part is discussed user testing of application along with its evaluation.

Augmented reality mobile application for drawing

Adela Vymyslická
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Jakub Průša
This bachelor thesis deals with the design and implementation of a mobile application for iOS devices to facilitate drawing of images using augmented reality. The application uses ARKit framework to work with augmented reality and SwiftUI framework to implement the user interface. The result is a mobile application that allows users to select images (from their own or provided gallery) and projects them on a given vertical or horizontal surface. The image can be edited using filters. Also, it is possible to change its size, rotation, position or transparency. Options for extending the resulting application are listed in the conclusion.

Recommendation system for choosing a subject based on student similarity

Vít Kalianko
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Magda Friedjungová, Ph.D.
The thesis focuses on the analysis of methods used in recommender systems and specifically describes the k-nearest neighbors method. It defines metrics for evaluating recommender systems. Subsequently, it includes an analysis of data available from the systems at the Faculty of Information Technology, CTU in Prague. These data is preprocessed into a dataset containing student interactions with courses, on which the k-nearest neighbors method is used to recommend optional courses to each student based on similar students. Similar students are identified using Manhattan, Euclidean, and cosine distances. These distances are modified in the thesis to consider only the courses that both students actually enrolled in when comparing two students. Modified distance metrics are compared to original ones in the evaluation. The effectiveness of the system with different hyperparameters is evaluated using various metrics, with the cosine distance with 20 neighbors chosen the best combination.

Web of the archery club 1. LK Plzeň 1935

Jana Schořová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Jan Horáček
Thesis focuses on creating a new website for an archery club. The final website serves as a presentation point for the club, its content can be managed with the administrative section of the web. Parts of the thesis focus on analyzing the current website, users requirements for the new one and the new website implementation. It describes various techniques of creating a website using content management systems. Implemented website uses Strapi for the administrative part and Nuxt.js for the presentation part of the website. The end of thesis describes testing and deployment of the new website.

Registration System for Haul Agency

Anna Vitmanová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
The main goal of this thesis is the implementation of a registration system for children's camps for the Haul agency. The text of the thesis deals with the analysis of the current functioning of the application management, analysis of requirements, design, description of the technologies used, the implementation process and at last the description of the entire application.

System for electronic voting in Mensa ČR

Maksim Shchukin
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of elections via the Internet. It includes the implementation of an voting system for Mensa ČR. The content of the thesis is the analysis of the Baletka system, which is used for electronic voting by the FIT CTU Scientific Council, the analysis of the Mensy CR election process and its comparison with the Baletka system. The result is an election web application using Java with the Spring framework and JavaScript with the Vue.js framework. After all, acceptance testing was performed with Mensa ČR

Gesture detector with Leap Motion sensor

Anh Viet Tran
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Luboš Helcl
Exploring ways to control the virtual environment is a popular goal of many human-computer interaction researchers. One of the approaches is using Leap Motion optical sensors, developed specifically to track hand and finger movements. The bachelor thesis focuses on utilizing Leap Motion sensors in real-time gesture recognition using neural networks. We used two layered bidirectional LSTM architecture to train static gestures along with dynamic gestures. The neural network was benchmarked on a publicly available ASL dataset acquiring 89.07% using 5-fold cross-validation on 200 epochs. The architecture was ultimately trained using our dataset of 3861 samples for real-time deployment. We demonstrated that the pre-trained model is sufficient to be integrated into other applications, and we also discussed the current state of the MultiLeap library, developed for hand detection using more than one Leap Motion sensor at once. We compared results of using multiple sensors with MultiLeap with results of using one sensor.

Master theses

Haul warehouse system

Matěj Sháněl
Master thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Jiří Hunka
The objective of this thesis is to create a system for the Haul agency, which would deal with the registration of goods. In the first part of the thesis, an analysis is drawn up of the current state of the processes, which employees of the Haul agency use to register purchases and issues of goods. In the context of these processes, the existing programs, which deal with this kind of issues, are analyzed and the system requirements are defined. After that, a design of the system is created, which primarily emphasizes the choice of satisfactory technologies and the need for operating with data, that are to be shared among multiple users. Based on this design the system is implemented. In the end, the created system is subjected to the integration and user testing. As a part of the testing the Nielsen heuristic analysis of the created system has been carried out. The resulting system allows employees of the Haul agency to process and analyze the data related to the registration of goods in a simple and organized manner.

Analysis of Seznamovák web application security

Jaroslav Kříž
Master thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Josef Kokeš, Ph.D.
This diploma thesis addresses the security analysis of the web application Seznamovák. During the investigation, several security vulnerabilities were discovered that might weaken used cryptography or jeopardize the security of passwords. Or even leak personal information of participants, which is necessary for organizers of the Seznamovák. If the attacker participated in the event, the individual information could also ruin his experience.

Virtual piano using image processing

Jiří Hanuš
Master thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Klára Schovánková
With the rise of new technologies, digitalization is one of the ways how to save money, time and make work more efficient. One of the possible goals of digitalization is conversion of musical instruments into their virtual form. In this work I summarized the state-of-the-art and also provided an analysis of the different approaches about creating virtual piano and virtual keyboards in general. Few techniques how hand and and finger gesture recognition is done nowadays are also described in this work as well as different approaches of several controllers. Further, I compared two different approaches to hand and finger detection in order to create the virtual piano. One way is making virtual piano using only RGB camera. Second way is using Leap Motion Controller, which is an optical hand tracking module that captures movement of your hands. Further, I described advantages and disadvantages of these approaches and experimentally tested the accuracy. In the thesis, in order to recognize finger location and predict tapping on the piano keys I am using deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), Stereo IR 170 Camera Module by Leap Motion and other Python libraries with pretrained models. In the end, I provided a virtual piano software using one of these techniques which is able save output of the piano to a MIDI file.

Mobile application for support of sustainability

Hana Fukalová
Master thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Mgr. Simona Marhounová
This master's thesis deals with the software development process of a mobile application supporting sustainability. The work includes an analysis of the swap domain, where I conduct a questionnaire survey and based on the knowledge gained and research of applications from the same domain, I determine the application requirements and use cases. Furthermore, I focus on the design of the application prototype, which is based on the analysis findings. I select appropriate technologies, propose application and database architecture, and create a user interface design. In the next chapter, I describe the implementation process of the prototype, the problems I encountered during development, and how I solved various implementation difficulties. Subsequently, in the testing chapter, I describe the process of user testing with five users and list the shortcomings and their solutions that were found during the testing. I then propose possible improvements for the future. Finally, in the conclusion of the work, I summarize the result of the entire project creation process and its overall contribution.

Automated metasearch engine for online stores

Anna Vitmanová
Master thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Jan Horáček
The aim of this thesis is to implement an application for easier search on online stores with a focus on some online second-hand markets. The main idea is to automate searches on multiple online second-hand markets at once. Part of the work is the whole process of software development from the analysis of the current solution, through the collection of requirements, design and implementation, to deployment and testing.

Monitoring of data-oriented applications in the hospital environment

Vladimir Cherkezov
Master thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Róbert Selvek
This master's thesis is dedicated to monitoring solution design, creation, and testing. The purpose of this work is to create for the Alpha organization a monitoring solution that would allow observing the hospital servers from outside of their local network. We will study the whole process, from extracting data to determining the correctness of the server operation based on them. It means that we will study areas such as data synchronization, security, failure prediction, etc. We will also explore technologies that simplify this process for us. The technologies are separated into two independent solutions: using the Prometheus and using the TICK stack. The solution, which is the final product of the work, uses the TICK stack and consists of two separate components that communicate with each other. These are the hospital server monitoring part, which extracts data from the hospital environment, and the collection metrics server part, which collects data from the monitoring part and analyzes them for the different hospitals. We also will call them monitoring and collection solutions. For more complete monitoring of the hospital environment, there are two types of data sent between these components: application data and metrics. The metrics sending is implemented using the TICK stack, and the application data sent is implemented as two applications on each communication side. Both of them are written in Kotlin using the Spring framework. These components are also tested in detail in the final part of our work.

Mobile application for travel diary

Jan Steuer
Master thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Jan Bouchner
This diploma thesis deals with the development of a mobile application that provides users with an interface for group travel planning. The web service communicates with the mobile application using the REST architectural style and ensures the actual functionality of organizing and managing trips. In this work, the author describes step by step the various stages of development of both parts - the backend and the mobile application. The author also covers the design and implementation of user authentication accomplished by refreshing JWT tokens in this work. The output of this diploma thesis is a functional and user-tested mobile application that allows organizing trips in a group.

Tutorials for native Android

Marek Kodr
Master thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Michal Valenta, Ph.D.
With the growing mobile market, the number of people interested in developing mobile applications is also growing. It is often difficult for beginning programmers to immerse themselves more in the topic of development for Android and learn the basics, given that there are few comprehensive courses on the Internet, practically none for free and it is difficult to fully understand the content in a foreign language. The aim of this work is to create a comprehensive introduction to the problematics of Android, which will be available in Czech to everyone and for free.

Drone control using hand-tracking techniques

Matyáš Sojka
Master thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
Ing. Marián Hlaváč
Nowadays, there are more and more interesting ways for users to interact with the virtual world. One of the ways that is increasingly being used is hand-tracking - sensing the user's hands. This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a simple application that allows controlling a virtual drone by hand-tracking. It uses the Ultraleap Stereo IR 170 sensor to do so. The user can test the hand tracking controls in several virtual scenes, where the goal is to collect checkpoints in the shortest time possible. In addition to this, he can also use simple keyboard controls.