Are you looking for a thesis or term paper topic, a part-time job, an internship or a job after your studies? The COFIT jobs fair will present over 60 IT companies and also faculty laboratories. We will advise on looking for job opportunities and introduce the Industrial PhD program. You can use professional advice from the CTU Career Centre or consult your startup ideas with experienced mentors.
Tuesday, 17 October 2023, 10:00–17:00
Atrium of the New Building of CTU
Company kiosks
Atrium of the New Building of CTU
Get to know company experts and HR managers from more than 60 IT companies and find out what opportunities you have during your studies. Various activities and competitions will also take place at the stands.
How to work during studies
Info kiosk
How to search for job opportunities
At the info kiosk, we will happily advise you how to search for offers on our website. You can choose from projects, internships, topics for final thesis and semester papers, as well as part-time jobs. The platform allows you to receive top job offers recommended to you.
Industrial PhD
Industrial PhD is a doctorate realized in cooperation with a company that supports the student through a scholarship. Are you thinking about an Industrial PhD? Come to see us at the kiosk or contact us at ssp@fit.cvut.cz.
Startup and project consultation
Info kiosk
Do you have an idea for a new business but are not sure if it has a chance of success? Or do you already have a project underway, and are you solving a specific problem? Take the opportunity to consult with experienced mentors from the world of technology startups who will gladly advise you, share valuable experience and inspire you on the road to success.
- Pavel Kordík
Vice-Dean for Cooperation with Industry FIT CTU - Peter Deďo
Peter is an economic geographer, and his heart is in technology and the future as such. He works as an analyst at the Prague Institute of Innovation and tries to do his best to help people like you have the best conditions to develop their ideas.
Career Centre CTU
Kiosk #5
Take advantage of professional advice from the CTU Career Centre. Try a stress-free job interview. Improve your CV and LinkedIn. Get an idea of your strengths and weaknesses and what and how to develop to choose a job that you will enjoy.
Who you will meet at the kiosk
- Iva Hájková Peláková / 12:00–15:00
Ivča is a coach, career counsellor and lecturer of self-development. In the Career Centre, she helps students manage their studies, prepare them for their future careers and devote themselves to personal development through coaching and consultations. - Pavel Šmída / 10:00–17:00
Pavel is in charge of promoting the activities of the Career Centre. He manages social networks, the web and the newsletter. He presents the Career Centre at trade fairs or introductory courses and cooperates with the PR offices of individual CTU faculties.