FIT CTU student presented a paper at one of the most prestigious conferences in AI

31. 3. 2023Ivana Macnarová

Bc. Jan Pokorný, a student in the last year of the master study programme at the FIT CTUDepartment of Theoretical Computer Science, presented a research paper at the prestigious international conference, AAAI 23 (The Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence), which is regarded as one of the most important conferences in the field of artificial intelligence with the highest A* rating. The publication of Bc. Jan Pokorný and other co-authors competed with more than 12,000 research articles, from which less than 20 % of the submitted articles were selected for the main conference session based on a rigorous peer review process. This year’s conference welcomed participants in Washington, DC, USA.

The presented paper, “The Parameterized Complexity of Network Microaggregation”, deals with the design and analysis of parameterized algorithms for so-called data microaggregation. This can be encountered when it is needed to provide certain data to a third party, for example, about the users of an application, but at the same time, it is needed to avoid revealing the identity of users. For this reason, the data is clustered into groups, and only one representative of each group, which is a good representative of the related data points, is then included in the output data. The paper is the result of a month summer research internship that Bc. Jan Pokorný completed in the Algorithms and Complexity Group at the Technical University of Vienna.

The AAAI 2023 conference aims to promote research in artificial intelligence. The conference attracted hundreds of participants worldwide. With the opportunity to present his research paper, Bc. Jan Pokorný experienced how it works in the research world and met researchers from different fields. He is currently finishing his master thesis, which is based on the research paper, and then he would like to continue his research as part of his PhD programme in the GGOAT research group at the FIT CTU, focusing on parameterized complexity.

The person responsible for the content of this page: Bc. Veronika Dvořáková