FIT CTU student received the extraordinary Professor Vlček scholarship

11. 12. 2023Ivana Macnarová

CTU, together with other Prague public universities associated with the Study in Prague consortium, awarded an extraordinary scholarship of Prof. Miroslav Vlček to five international students. The award ceremony took place on 5 December 2023 at the Mayor’s Residence on Mariánské náměstí in Prague.

The Professor Miroslav Vlček extraordinary scholarship has been awarded since 2021 to international students who, beyond their study obligations, contribute to spreading the good name of CTU, both in the Czech Republic and abroad, with the aim of greater internationalization of the university environment of public universities in Prague. This scholarship is a form of honouring the memory of Professor Vlček, head of the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, CTU, and long-time Vice-Rector for International Relations of CTU in Prague. From 2015 to 2019, he was the spiritual father and coordinator of the idea of the Study in Prague project, which united seven Prague public universities and attracted hundreds of international students to study in Prague.

Among this year’s awarded students is Daria Objeleanscaia, a 3rd-year student in the bachelor’s degree programme in Informatics with a specialization in Computer Science at FIT CTU.

“I am proud of how the university and my home faculty care for international students, and I am glad to be part of this process. International activities are very close to my heart, and I will continue to do so even after I graduate,” she said.

Daria received a scholarship for helping to promote her home faculty abroad and for her outstanding and motivating academic performance. Daria works as a so-called teaching assistant (helping teachers and international first-year students with their classes). She has also contributed to translating the web course overview for international students and regularly participates in the internationalization activities of FIT CTU.

The Study in Prague consortium also includes Charles University, the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, the Prague University of Economics and Business, the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and the Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague. The consortium aims to jointly promote foreign language study programmes and the city of Prague to applicants from abroad.

The person responsible for the content of this page: Bc. Veronika Dvořáková