Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague (FIT CTU) in cooperation with the University of Antwerp (UAntwerp) has prepared a new Master's degree specialization Digital Business Engineering (DBE). Students have a unique opportunity to expand their interdisciplinary knowledge in both economics and information technology. This opportunity was taken by Ing. Wanaka Mannaert, MSc., who is the first graduate of the Double degree program at FIT CTU from UAntwerp. By studying at two prestigious universities simultaneously, she received two diplomas, and two degrees and extended her academic knowledge and future employment opportunities.
At her home university, Wanaka Mannaert studied Business Economics with courses oriented on economics, management, and business, but courses dealing with actual computer science were rather limited in the study programme. Therefore, she signed up for Master's studies in Computer Science at FIT CTU as part of the new Double degree programme. Most of her classmates from UAntwerp after graduation, find career opportunities as consultants, functional, or data analysts. The two degrees open new possibilities for Wanaka Mannaert in international academic and business environments.
"I appreciated the opportunity to study information technology at FIT CTU in Prague. I have always enjoyed technical courses, and I have always wanted to study them. Applying to study the specialization DBE, which is taught exclusively in English, seemed like a great idea. I like a challenge, and I was happy to study further in the Double Degree programme. My motivation was to extend my qualifications and become more competitive in the job market," explains Wanaka Mannaert.
Double-degree graduates can find jobs in almost all business areas because, nowadays, information technology is not only programming but also indispensable in all sectors. The link between business and information technologies is therefore a logical step that will give students a competitive advantage in their future work and choice of employment.
"I can combine my economic, management, and IT knowledge by receiving two diplomas and two degrees simultaneously. I can work as a developer and do programming and data analysis simultaneously. Studying DBE has shown me different ways of thinking and taught me to look at a problem from different perspectives. I gained interesting experiences, more confidence, and learned a lot," adds Wanaka Mannaert.