FIT CTU student Ondřej Cach is the world champion in Excel

A student of the Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Technical University in Prague became this year’s world champion in Excel at the MOS World Championship in California. Out of one million registered students from 60 countries worldwide, he made it to the finals and became a two-time world champion in Microsoft Office programs. He plans to continue to improve in Microsoft programs and pass on his skills

Ondřej Cach reached the world finals, which took place on 24–27 July 2022, for the third time. In 2019, he participated in the finals in the Microsoft PowerPoint category in New York, where he took home silver. Two years later, he became the world champion in the Microsoft Word category when the event was held online. This year was the last time Ondřej could participate in the competition, as he has already competed in all Microsoft Office programs and can participate only once in each category.

This year’s contestants were tasked with two projects. In the first project, they had to get as close as possible to the given assignment on time. In the second one, a more creative project on the given topic, this year was skills gap; the contestants had a freer hand and more time. The first project was judged by a computer, and the second by an expert jury. In the more creative part, each contestant could show what they excel at and what they can do in the given program. The project was prepared for a real client, and Ondřej excelled in both projects.

“I enjoyed the creative part of the project a bit more. I like the fact that each student can show their skills, what they excel at and can do in the given program. We were preparing this project for a real client, so the task did not feel artificial,” Ondřej said.

As the winner, Ondřej took home a financial reward and material prizes. He studies a bachelor’s specialization in Computer Security and Information Technology at FIT CTU. Studying abroad does not appeal to him at the moment.

The person responsible for the content of this page: Bc. Veronika Dvořáková