Study guide

Pre-registration of courses

Let us know which courses you are interested in in the next semester and “reserve” your place in them. Find out how and when pre-registration of courses takes place and what you should do during it to ensure that you will keep up with your study plan.

What is pre-registration for

By pre-registration, you declare your non-binding interest in studying specific courses the following semester. The capacity check is disabled; therefore, the departments will assess the demand and their capacity possibilities and set a binding capacity for regular registration based on the number of students pre-registered in this way.

Therefore, if you do not register for the course you are interested in during pre-registration, you may not be able to register for it during regular registration due to the already set capacity.

When and where pre-registration takes place

Pre-registration usually lasts 2 weeks and takes place in the KOS system during the period specified in the FIT schedule for the relevant academic year.

  • Pre-registration for the summer semester usually takes place during November.
  • Pre-registration for the winter semester usually takes place during April.

Pre-registration rules and other recommendations

Detailed rules are set out in Article 7(1) of Directive No. 57/2023 For the administration of the bachelor and master study programme.

How many credits should I register?

It is your responsibility how you will set your credit load for each semester. However, the composition of pre-registered courses should be such that the sum of credits in one semester is no more than 45. The lower limit is not checked.

However, to complete your studies in the standard duration of studies (or to meet the minimum amount of credits required to continue in your studies), you should be registered and earn approximately 30 credits each semester – i.e. a total of 180 credits for the entire bachelor’s degree or 120 credits for the master’s degree.

Which courses should I register for?

It is up to you which courses you register for. However, to successfully complete your studies, you must fulfil your study obligations prescribed by the so-called study plan, e.g. complete all compulsory courses for your programme and specialization. You can find out how to optimally spread these obligations over the semesters in the recommended course of study.

You can find your study plan in both the White Book and the KOS system. For example, if you are a bachelor’s student in the Informatics programme and have chosen the Software Engineering specialization, the following is for you:

What is the impact of choosing a study specialization?

Suppose you have already chosen your specialization through the Office of Study Affairs. In that case, you will also be registered automatically for the compulsory courses of your specialization together with the compulsory courses of the programme before pre-registration.

If you have not yet officially chosen a specialization, you should register for the compulsory courses of your preferred specialization yourself. In this case, however, its courses appear only as electives to you. If there are cancellations due to insufficient capacity because of high interest, you could be the one who gets the course cancelled.

What if I complete a course in the meantime or do not intend to study it next semester?

Suppose you pre-registered for a course you successfully completed before starting the relevant semester or do not intend to study it in the upcoming semester at all. In that case, cancelling the registered course is entirely within your competence. Registering and cancelling courses is entirely up to you. Therefore, please follow the current status of your studies and your study plan.

What about the courses for final theses?

The Bachelor Thesis (BIE-BAP.21) and Diploma Project (NIE-DIP) courses are not registered during pre-registration. They are only registered during regular registration and only if you have an approved thesis topic.

Who to contact?

If you do not find a course that you think should be listed for the next semester, contact the scheduler of the department guaranteeing the course during pre-registration:

Pre-registration process: How to do it

Before the start of pre-registration, you will automatically be registered for all compulsory courses for the next semester and, if applicable, those not completed from previous semesters, according to your recommended course of study. Other courses are at your discretion – preferably according to your study plan.

The translation of some of the terms mentioned on this page that appear in the KOS system may not be accurate.

KOS system

Overview of registered courses

  • In the left-side menu, click the “Courses” (in the image as “Předměty”) category and select “Registered courses” (in the image as “Zapsané předměty”).
  • Select the semester you want to view your registered courses using the drop-down list under the “Semester” (in the image as “Semestr”) option.
  • The page will show you the courses registered en masse before the start of pre-registration, possibly with the modifications you have already made.

Cancellation of a registered course

  • On the page with the overview of registered courses, select the row of the course you want to unenroll and click it.
  • On the right, you will see a “Remove” (in the image as “Odebrat”) button that you can use to delete the course from your list of registered courses.

Registration for a course

There are several ways to register for more courses.

According to a study plan

  • In the left-side menu, click on the “Courses” (in the image as “Předměty”) category and select “Study plan”.
  • In the “Study plan” field, you have pre-filled your currently assigned study plan. Here, you can also switch to the study plan for the preferred specialization that you plan to choose.
  • Your study plan will be displayed in the form of individual course groups.
  • You can expand each of these groups to display a list of courses. For each course, the columns also show:
    • Whether you have already completed it.
    • Whether it is listed for the next semester.
    • What restrictions are set for its registration.
    • And, if applicable, which courses can be fulfilled by proxy if the course is no longer offered.
  • Select the row of the course in question, and you will see the course details.
  • Click the “Register” (in the image as “Zapsat”) button at the bottom right to register for it.
Some courses have many teachers or long annotations. The register button is always at the end, so you must scroll the page to the end of the course details.

According to a course name/code

  • In the left-side menu, click the “Courses” (in the image as “Předměty”) category and select “Course registration” (in the image as “Zápis předmětu”).
  • Enter the course code or name in the text field with the magnifying glass icon (right above the course table).
  • Select the row of the course in question, and you will see the course details.
  • Click the “Register” (in the image as “Zapsat”) button at the bottom right to register for it.

According to a selected department’s offer

  • In the left-side menu, click the “Courses” (in the image as “Předměty”) category and select “Course registration” (in the image as “Zápis předmětu”).
  • Use the drop-down list with the “Department” (in the image as “Katedra”) heading to filter courses.
  • Select the row of the course in question, and you will see the course details.
  • Click the “Register” (in the image as “Zapsat”) button at the bottom right to register for it.

Restriction on course registration

Registering for some courses without meeting specific prerequisites, such as having already successfully completed some other course, is impossible.

For detailed information, click the “!RESTRICTION” (in the image as “!OMEZENÍ”) caption next to the course.

After pre-registration

The pre-registration period is followed by so-called regular registration, which takes place right before the next semester starts. In this registration type, you choose the final composition of the courses to be studied in the following semester and create your timetable. If you did not register for the course you are interested in during pre-registration, you may not be able to register for it during the regular registration due to the already set capacity.

Pre-registered courses may also be cancelled between registrations for two reasons:

Cancellation of pre-registred courses due to high interest

After the end of pre-registration, if students’ interest in a course exceeds the capacity, the pre-registered course may be cancelled for some students. At the suggestion of the guarantor of the course in question, the head of the relevant guaranteeing department makes the specific choice of criteria for this cancellation.

In general, the department determines the capacity of the course to accommodate at least all students for whom the course is a compulsory course of the programme or specialization. Therefore, it may have a positive effect if you have already officially chosen your specialization through the Office of Study Affairs before pre-registration.

Also, courses from other CTU constituent parts may be cancelled by the guaranteeing department of that part for capacity reasons.

Cancellation of pre-registered courses due to gradual failure to obtain study results

Some students may have all their pre-registered courses cancelled during the examination period if it seems that they are not yet sufficiently fulfilling their study obligations – they have too few credits or have not earned enough assignments.

Detailed rules are set out in Article 7(4) of Directive No. 57/2023 For the administration of the bachelor and master study programme, and you can find specific dates in the FIT schedule for the relevant academic year.

The person responsible for the content of this page: Ing. Zdeněk Muzikář, CSc.