Study guide

Recognition of courses between the old and newly accredited bachelor study programme

At the beginning of 2021, FIT received a new accreditation for the bachelor study programme in Informatics, taught from the 2021/2022 academic year. All applicants admitted to study this year are accepted into the new programme. However, if you have already studied at FIT in the past, it is possible to have previously completed courses recognized in the new programme or to complete your studies in the old programme.

General rules for the recognition of courses

After enrolment in the study, it is necessary to submit a request to recognize courses. Items that meet the following conditions may be recognized: 

  • Eligible courses from previous study or Lifelong Learning.

  • The courses’ completion date is not longer than 5 years from the date of submitting the request. 

Credits recognized in this way are not considered credits obtained in the given semester or academic year, i.e. they are not included in the minimum number of obtained credits necessary for continuing the study. They are included only in the total sum of obtained credits. 

Details can be found in Directive No. 57/2023 for the Administration of the Bachelor and Master Study Programme.

Information on the recognition of courses between the original and the newly accredited programme

  • In the 2023/2024 academic year, courses from all (1st–3rd) years will already be taught in the new programme.
  • Registering for courses from the old programme will no longer be possible. However, you can take courses from the new programme and apply for their recognition.
  • Courses are mutually recognized between the programmes according to the rules:
    • Courses with the same abbreviation (but different “suffix”) are equivalent and mutually recognizable, e.g. courses BIE-PA1 and BIE-PA1.21.
    • Other courses will be recognized according to the recognition table – sometimes in both directions, sometimes in one direction, two courses for one, but also one course for two.

Continuation scenarios for newly admitted students after a previous incomplete study in the old programme


You want to continue the old programme and finish your studies in the 2023/2024 academic year.

You have unsuccessfully completed your bachelor’s degree studies in the upper year and re-entered the newly accredited programme after the admission procedure. In the 2023/2024 academic year, you want to pass the State Final Examination in your original (old) programme and successfully complete your studies.

Follow the instructions: 

Transfer requests will be approved by the Vice-Dean for Study Affairs only to those students who can realistically meet the conditions for taking the SFE, which means they are lacking to complete about 1–2 courses and write their bachelor’s thesis.

It is necessary to pay attention to the end of the accreditation of the old programme, which ends on 31 December 2024. The last opportunities to pass the State Final Examination will be in February or June 2024, or only a resit date in November 2024. In case of failure, you must switch to a new programme/specialization and complete the missing courses  of the new study plan.


You want to continue the old programme but not take the State Final Examination yet.

You have completed your bachelor’s degree studies unsuccessfully and re-entered the newly accredited programme after the admission procedure. You want to continue with your original (old) programme but do not plan to take the State Final Examination in the year of entry.

This variant is no longer possible due to the expiring accreditation of the old programme.
You have two options:
  1. Rethink your planned SFE term for the 2023/2024 academic year and use the same instructions as in variant 1. Please note that only students who can realistically meet the conditions for taking the SFE will be allowed to transfer to the old programme.

  2. Study in the new programme and apply for recognition of completed courses as in variant 3.


You want to continue with the new programme.

You have completed your bachelor’s degree studies unsuccessfully and re-entered the newly accredited programme after the admission procedure. You want to continue with this new programme.

Follow the instructions:

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact your study officer.


Ludmila Facer

Officer for studies in English and Erasmus/internship international students

The person responsible for the content of this page: Ing. Zdeněk Muzikář, CSc.