The Faculty awards the FIT Medal to individuals and tuitions as the highest honor teams or institutions. It is an award for long-term outstanding teaching or scientific activity at the faculty, for significant theoretical works, inventions, and realized technical works, or for exceptional merits for the development of the faculty. The awarding of medals is enshrined in the FIT Statutes (Czech only), and the detailed criteria are set out in the FIT Medal Statutes (Czech only).

Awarded in 2017
During the inauguration of the new dean on 16 November 2017, two outstanding personalities were awarded - Assoc. Karel Müller in memoriam and prof. Pavel Tvrdík. Both stood at the beginning of the Faculty's foundation and contributed significantly to its creation and implementation.
doc. Karel Müller (in memoriam)
As part of the preparatory team of the project for the creation of FIT CTU doc. Ing. Karel Müller, CSc., coordinated the creation of all documents for the accreditation of the new Bachelor's programme in Computer Science. He was the first vice-dean of studies of the newly established faculty and was instrumental in starting the whole educational process.
prof. Pavel Tvrdík
Prof. Ing. Pavel Tvrdík, CSc., was the first dean of the newly established faculty and was responsible for its promotion, establishment and setting up all the necessary processes for its functioning. During his eight years at its head, he built a full-fledged faculty with quality teaching, science and good interpersonal relations.

Awarded in 2019
On the occasion of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Faculty, a total of 18 distinguished personalities were awarded the FIT Medal on 6 June 2019. Among them were academics and heads of departments, as well as administrative staff and representatives of the Study Department.
Rector of CTU doc. Vojtěch Petráček additionally awarded Prof. Pavel Tvrdík with the gold Felber Medal for teaching and scientific activities of lasting value. He also awarded the CTU Medal of the II degree to Ing. Ivan Halaškov for his significant contribution to the development of CTU.
Ing. Miroslav Balík, Ph.D.
Ing. Miroslav Balík, Ph.D., was a founding member of FIT. From the beginning, he was responsible for the combined bachelor's studies and later took on the demanding position of Vice Dean for Studies for several years. He gradually built a stable administrative team in the Study Department and developed several key internal regulations for implementing the study programmes. He also contributed to the development of FIT's educational activities and was a reliable, hardworking, and creative member of the faculty leadership throughout his tenure.
Ing. Igor Čermák, CSc.
Ing. Igor Čermák, CSc., contributed to establishing the new faculty. He professionally organized and led meetings of the team of people who prepared and implemented the establishment of FIT. He was the first Vice-Dean for Development and helped build the new faculty's economic and IT infrastructure.
RNDr. Dana Čermáková
RNDr. Dana Čermáková stood at the foundation of the faculty in the economic area and, as the first secretary, built the basis of the economic and payroll agenda. This meant creating most of the processes of these agendas in a situation where any methodologies for the emerging units were lacking.
doc. Jiří Douša
Doc. Ing. Jiří Douša, CSc., was a founding member of FIT and the Department of Digital Design. He introduced the subject "Simulation" and the teaching of VHDL, which was the first systematic teaching of a language for hardware description and thus for a modern way of design and verification of digital circuits. He still passes on his rich experience to FIT students.
prof. Václav Havlíček
Prof. Ing. Václav Havlíček, CSc., as Rector, supported the initiative to establish a new Faculty of Informatics from the beginning and devoted much time and personal commitment to the project. In close cooperation with the preparatory team, he managed to bring the establishment of the faculty to a successful conclusion in a very short time.
Ivana Holíková
Ivana Holíková initially took care of the agenda of the Dean's Secretariat and individual departments. Later, with great care and reliability, she headed the secretariats of the Department of Digital Design and the Department of Computer Systems. Now, she is also in charge of the secretariat of the Department of Information Security.
prof. Jan Holub
Prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., belonged to the closest team that developed and implemented the project of the new faculty. After the establishment of FIT, he headed the Department of Theoretical Computer Science and at the same time assumed the position of Vice-Dean for External Relations.
doc. Josef Kolář
Doc. RNDr. Josef Kolář, CSc., was the head of the Department of Computers and actively participated in the establishment of the faculty and became the Vice Dean for External Relations, where he applied especially his linguistic skills and superior contacts to Latin America. He has also led the international cooperation agenda for the entire CTU with the Latin American region. He has proactively and creatively served as the Vice Dean for External Relations of FIT for the third dean's term.
doc. Hana Kubátová
Doc. Ing. Hana Kubátová, CSc., belonged to the closest team that developed and implemented the project of the new faculty. As a member of AS FEL, she contributed to the crystallization of this project since 2006. Since its establishment until now, she has been leading the Department of Digital Design very successfully and has been intensively involved in its development. This department has the highest number of successful PhD students thanks to her work.
prof. Róbert Lórencz
Prof. Ing. Róbert Lórencz, CSc., belonged to the closest team that developed and implemented the project of the new faculty. After its foundation, he headed the Department of Computer Systems and, at the same time, took the position of Vice-Dean for Science and Research. He prepared and implemented the project to establish the Department of Information Security, contributing to the fact that FIT was the first faculty to cover this area comprehensively. He has systematically devoted himself to developing the field of computer security at all levels of study and research.
Markéta Loučková
Markéta Loučková initially took care of the agenda of the Dean's Secretariat and individual departments. She handled all start-up activities involving the organization and moving the faculty premises with great care and reliability, including providing all written operational documentation. She has provided and continues to provide administrative support for accreditation processes and handling all paperwork.
prof. Bořivoj Melichar
Prof. Ing. Bořivoj Melichar, DrSc., was the head of the Department of Computers and is still one of the leading icons of the faculty. In his academic activities, he succeeded in teaching, researching, leading a research group, and managing the department. He has made a significant positive contribution to forming the Department of Theoretical Computer Science team. For FIT, he was a member of the Scientific Council of CTU for the first period after the establishment of the faculty.
prof. Petr Moos
Prof. Ing. Petr Moos, CSc., with his opinions, actions, and the weight of his personality, significantly contributed to the establishment of FIT. Since the beginning of the project of the Faculty's establishment, he has been its supporter and advocate and participated in important meetings at the level of CTU management, where he has contributed significantly to clarifying and bringing together the originally opposing views of the University representatives.
doc. Alois Pluháček
Doc. Ing. Alois Pluháček, CSc., was a founding member of FIT and created several of his own processors and their simulators used in teaching. He was the sponsor and creator of many hardware courses. He introduced some Czech terms, such as "hidden memory" or "additive code".
Libuše Pochová
Libuše Pochová helped to build the agenda of the Faculty's Study Department. Thanks to her diligence, consistency, and principle, this primary and key agenda of the faculty's activities was successfully launched without complications. Later, she built the thesis agenda with similar precision in collaboration with the administration and departments.
Ing. Jiří Škvor
Ing. Jiří Škvor has been in charge of all FIT's operational and infrastructural agenda since the beginning, even during its most turbulent times of development and change. He was responsible for the project preparation for the reconstruction of the new Masaryk Dormitory and Building A, the construction of the New CTU Building, and coordination with the companies implementing these investment projects. So far, he has provided technical equipment for the entire faculty and many other activities that make the faculty capable of smooth operation.
Ing. Michal Valenta, Ph.D.
Ing. Michal Valenta, Ph.D., was one of the closest teams to develop and implement the project for the new faculty. From the beginning to today, he has headed the Department of Software Engineering, providing approximately 50% of the faculty's teaching output. In addition, he has taken the initiative to develop faculty information systems, both as a manager and as a developer and analyst.
Milada Zelinková
Milada Zelinková built the economic agenda of FIT and has been working as the chief accountant of the faculty since the beginning of the faculty until now. The accounting, property, and payroll agendas of beginning faculty are many times more complex than those of established faculty. Nevertheless, she has always handled everything precisely with great commitment, care, and ability to find correct solutions in the over-complex accounting of the CTU. Thanks to her, the financial closures and audits were and are being carried out flawlessly.