For employees

“FIT studenti sobě” program

Do you know of any talented students that are helping you with teaching, for example, with preparing materials or with consultations? Under the “FIT studenti sobě” (Students to Students at FIT) program you will be able to pay them for their work.

How to proceed?

Anyone can help a student and become their mentor if a student contacts them with this request.

  • The student has to apply for the “FIT studenti sobě” program and fill in an application form and send it with your consent to the Vice-Dean for Study Affairs for approval.
  • You will have to fill in a final form for the granting and payment of a special purpose scholarship that you will send to the Vice-Dean for Study Affairs.


Contact person

Ing. Zdeněk Muzikář, CSc.

Vice-Dean for Study Affairs

The person responsible for the content of this page: Ing. Zdeněk Muzikář, CSc.