Towards Evolvable Ontology-Driven Development with Normalized Systems
Suchánek, M.; Mannaert, H.; Uhnák, P.; Pergl, R.
Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. p. 208-231. Communications in Computer and Information Science. ISSN 1865-0929. ISBN 978-3-030-70005-8.
Invited/Awarded proceedings paper
Normalized Systems (NS) enables sustainable software development and maintenance using code generation of evolvable information systems from models of so-called NS Elements. To promote semantic interoperability with other conceptual models, RDF and OWL technologies can be used for knowledge representation in NS as it is common within the Semantic Web and Linked Open Data domains. Previous research resulted in initial NS-OWL bi-directional transformation and a prototype tool for its execution. In this extended paper, these efforts are further elaborated into an evolvable solution based on NS Expanders. The transformation utilizes RDF to encode all domain-specific structural knowledge of an NS model to ensure bi-directionality. In addition, it also maps entities of NS metamodel to OWL concepts to serve as an ontology for underlying data. Because of the metacircular NS metamodel, any NS model including the metamodel itself, can be transformed. Moreover, the transformation of application data to or from RDF is also possible. Having the NS metamodel, NS models, and potentially also data in RDF opens further research possibilities in terms of analysis and integrations. The use of NS Expanders caused that the solution can be easily extended and refined, e.g. when the metamodel is updated. The results of our research are expected to help with the design of real-world information systems, including the NS tooling and the metamodel.
MassSpecBlocks: a web-based tool to create building blocks and sequences of nonribosomal peptides and polyketides for tandem mass spectra analysis
Přívratský, J.; Novák, J.
Journal of Cheminformatics. 2021, 13(1), ISSN 1758-2946.
Nonribosomal peptides and polyketides are natural products commonly synthesized by microorganisms. They are widely used in medicine, agriculture, environmental protection, and other fields. The structures of natural products are often analyzed by high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry, which becomes more popular with its increasing availability. However, the characterization of nonribosomal peptides and polyketides from tandem mass spectra is a nontrivial task because they are composed of many uncommon building blocks in addition to proteinogenic amino acids. Moreover, many of them have cyclic and branch-cyclic structures. Here, we introduce MassSpecBlocks - an opensource and web-based tool that converts the input chemical structures in SMILES format into sequences of building blocks. The structures can be searched in public databases PubChem, ChemSpider, ChEBI, NP Atlas, COCONUT, and Norine and edited in a user-friendly graphical interface. Although MassSpecBlocks can serve as a stand-alone database, our primary goal was to enable easy construction of custom sequence and building block databases, which can be used to annotate mass spectra in CycloBranch software. CycloBranch is an open-source, cross-platform, and standalone tool that we recently released for annotating spectra of linear, cyclic, branched, and branch-cyclic nonribosomal peptides and polyketide siderophores. The sequences and building blocks created in MassSpecBlocks can be easily exported into a plain text format used by CycloBranch. MassSpecBlocks is available online or can be installed entirely offline. It offers a REST API to cooperate with other tools.
Economic Conditions for Innovation: Private vs. Public Sector
Evan, T.; Holý, V.
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 2021, 76 1-15. ISSN 0038-0121.
The Hicks induced innovation hypothesis states that a price increase of a production factor is a spur to the invention. We propose an alternative hypothesis restating that a spur to the invention requires not only an increase of one factor but also a decrease of at least one other factor to offset the companies’ cost. We illustrate the need for our alternative hypothesis in a historical example of the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, we econometrically evaluate both hypotheses in a case study of research and development (R&D) in 29 OECD countries from 2003 to 2017. Specifically, we investigate the dependence of investments to R&D on the economic environment represented by average wages and oil prices using panel regression. We find that our alternative hypothesis is supported for R&D funded and/or performed by business enterprises while the original Hicks hypothesis holds for R&D funded by the government and R&D performed by universities. Our results reflect that the business sector is significantly influenced by market conditions, unlike the government and higher education sectors.
Segmentation of color images using mean curvature flow and parametric curves
Pauš, P.; Yazaki, S.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S. 2021, 14(3), 1123-1132. ISSN 1937-1632.
Automatic detection of objects in photos and images is beneficial in various scientific and industrial fields. This contribution suggests an algorithm for segmentation of color images by the means of the parametric mean curvature flow equation and CIE94 color distance function. The parametric approach is enriched by the enhanced algorithm for topological changes where the intersection of curves is computed instead of unreliable curve distance. The result is a set of parametric curves enclosing the object. The algorithm is presented on a test image and also on real photos.
EUROLAN 2021: Introduction to Linked Data for Linguistics Online Training School
Dojčinovski, M.; Bosque Gil, J.; Gracia, J.; Stanković, R.
Infotheca - Journal for Digital Humanities. 2021, 21(1), 113-120. ISSN 2217-9461.
The first training school organized by the NexusLinguarum COST Action was held on February 8-12, 2021 and was aimed at students, academics, and practitioners wishing to learn the basics of Linguistic Data Science. During the training school, the participants were introduced to a wide range of topics: from Semantic Web, RDF and ontologies, to modeling and querying linguistic data with state-of-the-art ontology models and tools. The training school was organized under the umbrella of the EUROLAN series of summer schools and was hosted virtually (online) by several institutions: the Romanian Academy, the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Bucharest and the In- stitute of Computer Science in Ias, i, as well as the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Ias, i, Romania. The training school was attended by 82 participants.
Agile Game in Online Environment
Havazík, O.; Pavlíčková, P.; Pavlíček, J.
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops. Springer, Cham, 2021. p. 17-25. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. vol. 423. ISSN 1865-1356. ISBN 978-3-030-79022-6.
Proceedings paper
The outbreak of the global coronavirus pandemic worsened the conditions for teaching, and it was necessary to teach students to use technologies and tools of remote communication, such as Skype, Google meets or today’s most popular software from Microsoft - MS Teams. Since we primarily teach agile project management using practical methods, specifically games, it was necessary to invent and design a game that can be played through remote communication channels, not only in classes with students’ physical presence. The game was designed in ADLM software, which stands for Application Life-cycle Management, called JunoOne. Through this tool, the course of the entire project (agile game) will be recorded in the game, and students will be able to try not only the style of agile project management in the Scrum framework but also in the real tool used in practice. This paper’s main goal is to present the created agile game in a real tool and the concept of how to play the game remotely. Unfortunately, the game as such has not yet been played due to the bad pandemic situation.
Analysing Indexability of Intrinsically High-dimensional Data using TriGen
Bernhauer, D.; Skopal, T.
Similarity Search and Applications. Springer, Cham, 2020. p. 261-269. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-030-60935-1.
Proceedings paper
The TriGen algorithm is a general approach to transform distance spaces in order to provide both exact and approximate similarity search in metric and non-metric spaces. This paper focuses on the reduction of intrinsic dimensionality using TriGen. Besides the well-known intrinsic dimensionality based on distance distribution, we inspect properties of triangles used in metric indexing (the triangularity) as well as properties of quadrilaterals used in ptolemaic indexing (the ptolemaicity). We also show how LAESA with triangle and ptolemaic filtering behaves on several datasets with respect to the proposed indicators.
The New DBpedia Release Cycle: Increasing Agility and Efficiency in Knowledge Extraction Workflows
Hofer, M.; Hellmann, S.; Dojčinovski, M.; Frey, J.
Semantic Systems. In the Era of Knowledge Graphs. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. p. 1-18. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-030-59832-7.
Proceedings paper
Since its inception in 2007, DBpedia has been constantly releasing open data in RDF, extracted from various Wikimedia projects using a complex software system called the DBpedia Information Extraction Framework (DIEF). For the past 12 years, the software received a plethora of extensions by the community, which positively affected the size and data quality. Due to the increase in size and complexity, the release process was facing huge delays (from 12 to 17 months cycle), thus impacting the agility of the development. In this paper, we describe the new DBpedia release cycle including our innovative release workflow, which allows development teams (in particular those who publish large, open data) to implement agile, cost-efficient processes and scale up productivity. The DBpedia release workflow has been re-engineered, its new primary focus is on productivity and agility, to address the challenges of size and complexity. At the same time, quality is assured by implementing a comprehensive testing methodology. We run an experimental evaluation and argue that the implemented measures increase agility and allow for cost-effective quality-control and debugging and thus achieve a higher level of maintainability. As a result, DBpedia now publishes regular (i.e. monthly) releases with over 21 billion triples with minimal publishing effort.
Patterns for Checking Incompleteness of Scenarios in Textual Requirements Specification
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering. Porto: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2020. p. 289-296. ISSN 2184-4895. ISBN 978-989-758-421-3.
Proceedings paper
In this contribution, we investigate the incompleteness problem in textual requirements specifications. Missing alternative scenarios are one of the incompleteness sources, i.e., descriptions of processing in the cases when something runs in another way as expected. We check the text of requirements specification using linguistic patterns, and we try to reveal scenarios and alternative scenarios. After that process is finished, we decide whether the set of alternative scenarios is complete. As a result, we generate warning messages. We illustrate our approach with examples.
Bi-directional Transformation between Normalized Systems Elements and Domain Ontologies in OWL
Suchánek, M.; Mannaert, H.; Uhnák, P.; Pergl, R.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering. Porto: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2020. p. 74-85. ISSN 2184-4895. ISBN 978-989-758-421-3.
Proceedings paper
Knowledge representation in OWL ontologies gained a lot of popularity with the development of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Web, and Linked Open Data. OWL ontologies are very versatile, and there are many tools for analysis, design, documentation, and mapping. They can capture concepts and categories, their properties and relations. Normalized Systems (NS) provide a way of code generation from a model of so-called NS Elements resulting in an information system with proven evolvability. The model used in NS contains domain-specific knowledge that can be represented in an OWL ontology. This work clarifies the potential advantages of having OWL representation of the NS model, discusses the design of a bi-directional transformation between NS models and domain ontologies in OWL, and describes its implementation. It shows how the resulting ontology enables further work on the analytical level and leverages the system design. Moreover, due to the fact that NS metamodel is metacircular, the transformation can generate ontology of NS metamodel itself. It is expected that the results of this work will help with the design of larger real-world applications as well as the metamodel and that the transformation tool will be further extended with additional features which we proposed.
Enhanced adaptive partitioning in a distributed graph database
Svitáková, L.; Pokorný, J.; Valenta, M.
Journal of Information and Telecommunication. 2020, 5(1), 104-120. ISSN 2475-1847.
Nowadays, open-source graph databases do not include an
inherent mechanism for data relocation that would be based on
their usage. They often do not offer even appropriate monitoring
that could help to make such a decision. Information about data
utilization could, however, work as an input to some decision-
making process about more suitable data regrouping that could
be much more efficient in terms of intra-network communication.
Therefore, we created a module for the graph computational
framework TinkerPop that logs traffic generated by the user
queries. These logged records serve as an input for the algorithm
of Adaptive Partitioning that we enhanced with better balancing,
avoidance of local optima and the notion of weighted graphs.
This approach yields a 70–80% improvement in intra-network
communication, which is comparable to other methods, namely
Ja-be-Ja, that offers similar results but has higher computational
ETCS - New architecture design and refactoring of RBC
Ondřej Veselý
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis and reimplementation of a key component of the
RBC from the ETCS system. ETCS is the European Train Control System and this thesis
is part of a simulator that is being developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Transport.
The main objective is extensibility and code quality. The focus is on the analysis of the existing
implementation and compliance with ERA-ERTMS specifications. The result is a completely
rewritten RBC component in c++ language, a unified architecture between already existing other
ETCS components and defined common messages in the CEM repository. This work was crucial
to move the ETCS project forward due to the many inconsistencies between the components and
the need for them to work together. This work has made the components much more extensible,
and more importantly, they run on the same architecture, so understanding how they work and
then extending them is much easier.
Hands as Controller: Exploiting Hand Sensing in an Interactive World
Jakub Šamánek
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Radek Richtr, Ph.D.
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
This bachelor's thesis explores the design and implementation of a gaming controller prototype based on hand tracking technology. The motion data was collected using an Ultraleap device, which employs depth sensors, and alternatively, a single RGB camera in conjunction with the Mediapipe library. These methods were compared and evaluated to determine their applicability in game control contexts. A game prototype was created to facilitate the comparison, utilizing this control method. The test results indicate that hand tracking is enjoyable and immersive for players, effectively enabling interaction with computer games. The Ultraleap device demonstrated high accuracy and was clearly preferred by the players. In contrast, the RGB camera had significantly lower accuracy and gameplay, leading to this alternative control method being deemed impractical. This work lays the groundwork for further research in virtual world interactions and suggests potential directions for the future development of game controllers.
Cloud deployment using MLOps tools
Aleš Sršeň
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Vondra, Ph.D.
Mgr. Jan Palášek
With Machine Learning (ML) gaining broader adoption and popularity, a new paradigm focused on applying DevOps methodology to ML systems, known as Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), has emerged. This thesis investigates the application of the MLOps paradigm to the development life cycle of an application utilizing ML provided by Profinit EU. In this thesis, MLOps is introduced, its principles are described, and an overview of select MLOps tools is provided. Based on this information, a pipeline to apply MLOps principles is designed. The provided application is migrated to a cloud environment, where the designed pipeline is implemented and used with the application.
ETCS - New architecture design and refactoring of DMI
Tereza Neprašová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Jiří Chludil
This thesis focuses on a new architectural design and update of the DMI component, which is part of the ETCS simulator. The simulator project is developed in cooperation between the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Transport of CTU and is based on a real European train control system ETCS. The DMI component is a graphical display the train driver interacts with. Based on the analysis of the deficiencies of the former DMI architecture and the architecture of the remaining simulator components, this thesis presents a new design focusing mainly on the future extensibility and sustainability of the application. It also updates the DMI from version 2.3.0 to 4.0.0 according to the official documentation of the European Union. The output of this thesis is the implementation of the application core, communication with other simulator components, the creation of a graphical framework for the user interface and the implementation of several DMI windows. The application is both tested and documented. The main contribution of the thesis is a significant facilitation and acceleration of future application development and architectural unification with other components of the simulator.
Real time rendering of 3D graphics using advanced texture models.
Zdeněk Nejedlý
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Radek Richtr, Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Filip, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis explores the use of advanced textural material models for real-time rendering. The theoretical part describes different material models and classifies them according to~simplifying assumptions. It also discusses concepts from the field of real-time rendering. In~the practical part, it presents a design of a real-time renderer and discusses possible integration of a~BTF material model. This proposal is partially implemented as a prototype and used to create an application for rendering BTF materials. The paper concludes by comparing this prototype with conventional approaches.
A software solution for user-friendly reading and visualisations of machine messages from CAN Trace data logs
Ondřej Luks
Bachelor thesis
doc. Ing. Robert Pergl, Ph.D.
Ing. Michal Karas
This bachelor's thesis delves into the process of handling and inspecting data from construction machines utilizing the CAN protocol at Doosan Bobcat EMEA, s.r.o. company. The current state of the process is thoroughly analysed, identifying associated problems and deficiencies. Based on the analysis of prospective solutions, followed by its subsequent design and implementation, a new Python desktop application with a graphical user interface is developed, coupled with dynamic data inspection dashboards created in Grafana. This novel solution saves the company up to 2 days and 5.75 hours of time with each execution of this process.
Prototype Interactive Eye Model for Visualization of Intraocular Lens - Visualisation of Interactive Eye Model
Marek Koubek
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jiří Chludil
Ing. Martin Fůs, Ph.D.
This thesis focuses on the visualization of interactive eye model project, which consists of several components. Specifically, the thesis focuses on the eye model components of the project - generation and visualization. On the back-end, it deals with the creation of a plugin for generating the 3D eye model and on the front-end, it deals with the visualization of the model in a web application. The result is a prototype of a web page with an interactive eye model that can be generated from real data measured on patients. The model generation process is automated by a remotely run plugin in Blender3D software.
First, 3D formats and web technologies for visualizing of the eye model are analyzed. A 3D format and web framework is selected and used to create a prototype web application for viewing of the eye model. A process of automation of the generation of the eye model is designed based on the analysis results. A wireframe of the web application is also designed. A plugin for Blender3D is implemented for the back-end, and a prototype of an interactive eye model viewer is implemented for the front-end. Furthermore, the connection between the application and the plugin is described. The prototype of the interactive eye model viewer then undergoes user testing.
Artificial Intelligence based Detection and Tracking of Sperm Cells
Jakub Hořenín
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Miroslav Čepek, Ph.D.
Mgr. Alexander Kovalenko, Ph.D.
This thesis introduces a novel machine learning-based methodology for automated detection and tracking of sperm cells within microscopic video recordings, aiming to elucidate the dynamics and motion patterns of both individual sperm cells and sperm cell bundles. At first, the method identifies sperm cells across successive frames within a video sequence, facilitating the reconstruction of each cell's trajectory over time. Subsequently, I introduce a classification algorithm that distinguishes between single sperm cells, clusters of adjacent cells, sperm cell bundles, and clutter, addressing a gap in existing methodologies. Finally, I employ three conventional metrics for velocity assessment: Straight Line Velocity (VSL), Average Path Velocity (VAP), and Curvilinear velocity (VCL), to quantify the movement speed of both individual sperm cells and bundles. The approach represents a significant advancement in the automated analysis of sperm motility and aggregation phenomena, providing a robust tool for researchers to study sperm behavior with enhanced accuracy and efficiency. A web-based user interface has been created, and the latest version of the program utilizing this methodology is publicly available at with source code publicly available at gitlab:
Redesign of the results module of the CTU Survey
Jiří Heller
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Michal Valenta, Ph.D.
Ing. Denisa Nováčková
The thesis deals with proposing changes in the CTU Survey web application with an emphasis
on users and their needs. The theoretical part describes the process and methods of user-centred
design. In the practical part, these methods are applied - among them a heuristic evaluation of
the current application, comparison of similar solutions, processing of user feedback, a survey
among students and teachers, prototyping and usability testing. The output of the thesis consists
of fifty specific proposals for modifications, including graphical materials. Four proposals were
implemented as part of the thesis, for example, faster navigation between semesters and within
a page. The rest have been documented for future development, including a summary of long-term
results, continuous completion during the semester, or better utilization of collected data.
ETCS - Project management and output quality control
Martin Čáslavský
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
The goal of this thesis is to analyze the project management of the ETCS simulator and implement supportive programs to make development easier.
The thesis focuses on identifying current issues in project management and analyzing them to find effective solutions.
The implemented support programs include a script for time tracking and an extended JRU component with its own logging system.
This application, including the graphical user interface, has the potential to assist future students in developing new functionalities.
The thesis brings a new perspective to the project and raises questions regarding its future.
Trainer - Web portal to support teaching programming
Ondřej Wrzecionko
Master thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Jiří Zikán
The thesis deals with analysis, design, implementation, deployment and testing of web portal to support teaching programming, done in two iterations. Portal consists of frontend implemented in Vue.js technology and supporting backend in Spring Web technology. System enables teachers to create programming tasks and organise them in lessons, weeks and courses. Students complete the tasks and if needed, they can consult their solutions. System provides automatic or manual task evaluation, summary of student progress in lessons and anonymized projection of student solutions.
System is deployed on FIT CTU infrastructure and throughout first two semesters, it has been used in 2 subjects, 16 parallels by 768 students and 17 teachers, who have created over 350 tasks. Both students and teachers rate the system positively and in future, it is planned to be used in another subjects and on other schools.
The Development of a New Visualization Tool for the IKEM
Karel Vrabec
Master thesis
Ing. Petr Pauš, Ph.D.
Ing. Jakub Klinkovský, Ph.D.
This master's thesis deals with the development of a brand new web application for better and more convenient work with outputs from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines. The web application was created for the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (a client), a Czech medical facility well known for its focus on human organ transplantation, diabetes and cardiovascular therapies, treatments, and scientific research. The researchers of the IKEM (a user) use ParaView, a popular tool for complex and interactive visualizations, for viewing MRI outputs. However, the environment of ParaView is very complicated. Additionally, the user is able to access ParaView as a desktop application only. Therefore, in this thesis, all user's work processes and requirements are analyzed. Finally, a new solution is designed and developed with the help of modern technologies, such as Trame, VTK, and Vuetify. The result of this work is a containerized, deployable web application that provides a new interactive and simplified user interface to manage, view, and control MRI outputs easily.
Evaluation of thread pool implementations by resolution of webserver requests
Martin Mucha
Master thesis
doc. Ing. Daniel Langr, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Ivan Šimeček, Ph.D.
Utilizing a pool of worker threads to scale web servers is a widely adopted approach employed
by many server implementations. Individual thread pool implementations can significantly vary
in scheduling algorithms and task encapsulation.
In this thesis, we design and implement our own thread pool utilizing C++20 coroutines and
work-stealing scheduling. To ensure an efficient scheduling, we utilize lock-free structures. Our
implementation not only achieves significantly lower scheduling overhead compared to OpenMP
implementations but also performs comparably to, and in one test outperforms, the oneTBB
thread pool implementation.
Finally, we conduct testing of various versions of our thread pool in a server environment to
assess performance across different server requests types.
Study on using language models in storytelling games
Jiří Macháček
Master thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Radek Richtr, Ph.D.
This diploma thesis aims to explore the use of large language models to tell game stories through non-player characters. State-of-the-art techniques for using large language models allow one to freely interact with the game characters and use them to tell consistent and coherent stories. This thesis analyses the currently best-rated large language models, the techniques for their use in practice and the criteria for their evaluation. The theoretical part also includes traditional practices for creating believable narratives and characters. The practical result of this thesis is a playable prototype named HaLLMark, which is implemented in the Unity game engine. The prototype's primary purpose is to compare large language models in terms of the quality of the generated stories and the quality of the impersonation of the game characters. The playable prototype is then used for this exact purpose during testing to evaluate the currently best-performing existing large language models. The HaLLMark prototype does not lag behind from a gameplay perspective. Testers especially praised the novel concept of the game and the fact that the large language models are able to stick to the story they generate consistently.
Multi-agent Path Finding in Continuous Environment
Kristýna Janovská
Master thesis
prof. RNDr. Pavel Surynek, Ph.D.
RNDr. Jiří Vyskočil, Ph.D.
This work sets to develop a model of collision-free multi-agent path finding in continuous environment, where agents move on sets of smooth curves. Agents communicate between themselves using the Continuous Environment Conflict-Based Search (CE-CBS) algorithm proposed in this work.
Various parameters of this model and different types of environment and agent setting are studied to determine how agents behave based on the difficulty of the environment setting and how the solution quality changes. The results of these experiments show the ability of agents to move on non-colliding smooth paths while also optimising the path costs.
Implementation of the transformation of an OntoUML model in OpenPonk into its realization in a relational database
Jakub Jabůrek
Master thesis
Ing. Zdeněk Rybola, Ph.D.
Ing. Jan Blizničenko
This thesis deals with the implementation of an automated transformation of an OntoUML conceptual model to SQL. The implementation is developed as an extension of the OpenPonk modeling platform and is written in the Pharo programming language. An approach to the transformation that preserves constraints implied by the OntoUML model is studied, then a framework for the implementation of model transformations is developed, and the transformation is implemented and integrated with OpenPonk.
Processing, checking, and modeling of textual requirements specifications
Ing. David Šenkýř
Dissertation thesis
prof. Dr. Ing. Petr Kroha, CSc.
prof. Ing. Vojtěch Svátek, Dr.
doc. Ing. Radek Burget, Ph.D.
prof. dr. José Emilio Labra Gayo
doc. Ing. Radek Burget, Ph.D.
prof. dr. José Emilio Labra Gayo
A system for signals manipulation on the automotive ethernet
Oleksandr Korotetskyi
Master thesis
Ing. Martin Štěpánek
Ing. Josef Vogel, CSc.
As the automotive industry undergoes a rapid transformation towards connected electric vehicles and autonomous driving technologies, the need for advanced and promising communication solutions like Automotive Ethernet becomes paramount.
This study delves into the relationship between driving automation, vehicle electronic architecture, and automotive networking, emphasizing the significance of Automotive Ethernet.
Significantly, it explores the feasibility of signal manipulation within the Automotive Ethernet network for potential facilitation of vehicle testing, addressing the challenges involved.
Eventually, the research leads to the development and testing of a software system designed for subtle signal manipulation, equipped to bypass security mechanisms mandated by functional safety standards.
HoloLens OCR capabilities for the chemical lab environment
Petr Havel
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Dubec
Ing. Jiří Novák, Ph.D.
This thesis explores the potential of leveraging mixed reality for note taking in chemical laboratories, specifically using the HoloLens 2. We started by analyzing the existing market and related research. Through user engagement, we identified essential requirements and gained insights into their needs. After exploring possible implementation strategies, we designed use cases and the application's architecture. Our implementation, detailed within, was executed in Unity using C# and the .Net framework, and includes associated automated tests. The thesis concludes by outlining a strategy for real-world testing and a roadmap for the application's continued development.
Parametric modelling of hall structures
Robin Blažek
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Pavel Štěpán
Ing. Lukáš Hron, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis deals with the design of an application for parametric modelling of hall structures in the engineering software Tekla Structures. In the theoretical part of the thesis a research of available applications that are designed for parametric creation of building models is made. The output of the thesis is a functional prototype of a desktop application that allows to generate the main grid of the building model directly in the 3D scene of Tekla Structures software based on the input data provided by the user. The proposed user interface contributes to speed up the work when entering the necessary parameters. The implementation uses the .NET Framework platform in combination with the MVVM architecture, thanks to which the application has the potential for future extensions in the form of connecting other structural modelling software. The connection to Tekla Structures is implemented using its public API.
Towards a Normalized Systems Gateway Ontology for Conceptual Models
Ing. Marek Suchánek
Dissertation thesis
doc. Ing. Robert Pergl, Ph.D. (FIT ČVUT)
prof. Dr. Herwig Mannaert (University of Antwerp)
prof. Dr. Herwig Mannaert (University of Antwerp)
Univ. Prof. Henderik Alex Proper, Ph.D.
assist. prof. Sérgio Guerreiro, Ph.D.
prof. Markus Helfert, Ph.D.
assist. prof. Sérgio Guerreiro, Ph.D.
prof. Markus Helfert, Ph.D.
Design of Systems Supporting Compliance Management
Ing. Marek Skotnica
Dissertation thesis
doc. Ing. Robert Pergl, Ph.D.
Ing. Petr Křemen, Ph.D.
prof. Hans Mulder, Ph.D.
Assist. Prof. Joao Luiz Rebelo Moreira, Ph.D.
prof. Hans Mulder, Ph.D.
Assist. Prof. Joao Luiz Rebelo Moreira, Ph.D.
Analysis of a company processes
Jan Novotný
Master thesis
Ing. Pavel Šedek
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This thesis focuses on mapping the processes in the company Curso and optimizing one of the processes. A process map is used to capture the structure and hierarchy of processes in the organization. A key part of the work is the analysis of a specific process and identifying its shortcomings and weaknesses. The BPMN notation is used to visually capture the current state and propose a TO-BE model. Another part of the thesis is the preparation of materials for implementing the process into the company's information system, including defining functional and non-functional software requirements, use cases, domain model, and screen previews. The work also includes testing scenarios to verify the implementation of the proposed design. The thesis is supplemented by an economic evaluation of the optimalization.
Implementation of OntoUML schemas in graph databases - case study
Jiří Zikán
Master thesis
Ing. Michal Valenta, Ph.D.
Ing. Marek Suchánek, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
The master's thesis deals with the transformation of ontological conceptual models into graph databases and with the implementation of related integrity constraints. At first, the thesis analyzes the suitability of several different graph database systems and justifies the choice of the Neo4j graph database as the most suitable one for the given purpose. Next, it introduces a comprehensive procedure for the transformation of OntoUML diagrams into a list of specific integrity constraints and describes the precise implementation of these integrity constraints in the Neo4j. The mentioned procedure is subsequently used for the instantiation of an example OntoUML model. Instantiated model is also tested in order to verify the correctness of the transformation procedure. Finally, the thesis discusses the achieved results and addresses possible future work. As a result, this thesis shows that it is possible to instantiate a valid OntoUML model in a graph database, yet it is not possible to use the same principles of instantiation for all types of graph databases.
Textural features information quality
Pavel Kříž
Master thesis
prof. Ing. Michal Haindl, DrSc.
RNDr. Jakub Klímek, Ph.D.
Dozens and possibly hundreds of textural features have already been introduced, but any comprehensive evaluation and comparison of the features is still lacking. We study and describe monospectral and multispectral features and based on this we create a general methodology for measuring the information quality of textural features. In this methodology, we classify features into categories, which creates a generalization layer that allows features to be evaluated generally and automatically. We will then incorporate this methodology in the creation of a multispectral textural benchmark with a web portal that allows experimentation with features. We will explain all phases of development from analysis, design of the user interface and its testing, to the actual implementation of the system. The created benchmark is made up of several components and can be expanded with other features, datasets for statistics, and last but not least, it is computationally scalable both vertically and horizontally.
A software tool for accelerating the development and deployment of new industrial applications of preparative chromatography
Adam Svoboda
Master thesis
Ing. Svatopluk Henke, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Ivan Šimeček, Ph.D.
Model predictive control is important tool of industry systems, but it requires large amount of data and processing power. In this work, we will create a software tool for identification of mathematical model of chromatography and for implementing model predictive control for chromatography process with help of Siemens Industrial Edge, solution of edge computing by Siemens. We will discuss basics of chromatography, mathematical models, inverse problem and ways of solving it with optimization algorithms and industrial control systems.
E-learning Application for Cyber Security Development
Markéta Petrtýlová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
Ing. Dana Vynikarová, Ph.D.
This bachelor's thesis deals with the design, realization, implementation, deployment and testing of an e-learning application for improving knowledge in the field of social engineering. The thesis includes a requirement analysis of the company requesting the educational application, and its support during deployment and first use of the application. The content of the educational courses in the application is created based on the analysis of the field of social engineering, which forms the theoretical part of this work. This application helps the company for which the application is created to develop the knowledge of employees in the field of social engineering. The application also prepares users to recognize phishing attacks in e-mail communication. The main benefit of the bachelor's thesis is to use educational courses to train employees so that they can defend themselves against social engineering attacks and thus protect themselves and their company. In the appendix of this thesis, you can find preparations and summaries from consultations with the company requesting the application. The development environment of the application and the user interface of the application are also presented here with the help of photos.
Egidio - Disaster Management Platform
Filip Ballek
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Marek Sušický
Ing. Jaroslav Kuchař, Ph.D.
The reason to create this solution was an effort to help people who want to offer their help or
ask for a help during one of many catastrophes that happen on Earth every year. Platform, that
has potential to make offering a help and asking for a help more efficient than other solutions
do, was created. Research of similiar solutions that are available on the Internet was done. Then
the platform was designed, implemented and tested. As a part of test process, 23 test scenarios
were created.
Digital Persona
Lukáš Marek
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Šedivý, CSc.
Ing. Radek Richtr, Ph.D.
This thesis explores the potential of digital personas, virtual embodied talking beings combining
computer graphics with conversational artificial intelligence. Conversational platform called
Flowstorm and a character generator, Metahuman Creator, were employed in development of
showcase application in which users can converse with digital personas about various social
topics. Developed underlying solution powering this Windows application takes the form of an
adaptable Unreal Engine plugin that can power a variety of future projects of different needs.
Thesis additionally demonstrates how multi-disciplinary approaches can make the testing phase
more interesting and efficient and also illustrates the role of digital personas in the research
domain, as digital personas can offload tasks from human researchers. A pilot psychological
study with 51 participants was conducted during usability testing to examine how secondary
communication channels, such as colors, lights, and sound can affect user's perception of digital
personas during conversations with them and how can these secondary communication channels
be utilized intentionally. Furthermore the thesis discusses received feedback and offers insights
into the development and possible future research.
A mobile application for Nixie clock project
Dimitri Vizelka
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Matěj Bartík, Ph.D.
Ing. Matej Hulák
This bachelor's thesis deals with the analysis, design, implementation and testing of a cross-platform application which controls a nixie clock via the Bluetooth Low Energy communication protocol. The application uses ReactJS and Capacitor libraries. The source code was created in TypeScript programming language. The implemented application runs natively on iOS and Android operating systems, but it can be also executed as a progressive web application in a web browser.
Spatial sound for immersive video
Ivan Desiatov
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Buriánek
Ing. David Bernhauer, Ph.D.
This thesis provides an overview of modern immersive audio technologies and outlines why ambisonics is becoming the industry-standard spatial audio format for 360° video. An introduction to ambisonics theory is provided, and several important decoding techniques are described. A software solution is then presented, which implements automatic spatial panning of sounds in a DAW based on the 3D positions of objects (relative to the active camera) in the Blender scene. The implementation consists of two plugins - a Blender plugin to access the 3D scene data, and a VST ambisonic panner plugin that utilises said scene data to calculate the panning direction. Panning direction vectors are updated in real time using interprocess communication, allowing artists to preview the animation while simultaneously making adjustments to the audio, and vice versa. The presented solution is especially useful in producing spatial audio for 360° 3D animations, where it can help reduce the number of audio sources that have to be panned manually. It can however find a place in non-animated projects as well, where it can be used to visualise the movement of sound sources, and would allow to use Blender's advanced 3D animation toolset for animating sound source positions.
Rework and Extension of Web Development Environment for Karel Language
Jan Jörka
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Blizničenko
Ing. Marek Suchánek, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis deals with the creation of a web development environment for the Karel educational programming language. The development environment allows advanced editing of the source code and the town in which the Karel robot moves, running the created programs, debugging them, saving them to the server, sharing them and creating automatically evaluated programming tasks (challenges). It builds on the application, which is, however, very simple, unfinished and in poor technical condition. As part of the thesis, it is reworked from scratch.
The thesis includes an analysis of the application and other applications with the same focus. Based on this analysis, the requirements for the new application are specified and its implementation is designed. The server part is implemented in ASP.NET Core framework and the client part in Angular framework. Among other things, the process of integrating a source code editor or automatic challenge evaluation is also described. Furthermore, the application is tested, documented and deployed. The result is a fully functional web application available to anyone on the domain.
Visualization of the process of solving selected optimization problems using genetic algorithms
Radek Horáček
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Mgr. Ladislava Smítková Janků, Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Novák, Ph.D.
This thesis describes the process of developing an interactive tool for visualization of the process
of solving selected optimization problems using genetic algorithms. The theoretical part provides an introduction to the evolutionary algorithms, more specifically then focuses on genetic
algorithms. This part also lists typical optimization problems that are commonly solved using
genetic algorithms. The practical part describes all the important steps in creating new functional software. This includes the comparison of existing solutions, analysis of possibly suitable
technologies and libraries, and software documentation. The implementation of the application,
using the Blazor WebAssembly framework, is also described in this part. The interactive tool
provides the visualizations of three typical optimization problems and the problem of 2D bitmap
image generation. At the end, the thesis lists the techniques used for testing and documentation
of the application. The final result of this thesis is a functional interactive web application.
3D point cloud from multi-camera system
Tomáš Reinhold
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Buriánek
Ing. Josef Kortan
3D reconstruction, especially photogrammetry is a common way of acquiring static 3D models of the real world. There exist multiple software solutions performing photogrammetry that process overlapping images, for example, taken from multi-camera systems. This thesis aims to create a new pipeline that utilizes already existing photogrammetry software solutions and multi-camera systems. This pipeline starts with synchronized image acquisition of the scene and ends with visualization of an animated point cloud. To understand the demands and capabilities of photogrammetry, a custom multi-camera benchmark system was created. This system was used for photogrammetry experiments and as a starting point for the introduced pipeline. The results show that it is possible to create an animated point cloud even when using a low-cost multi-camera system, like ours created. Using this pipeline on high-end multi-camera systems may introduce new interesting dynamic visualization of captured scene.
Personalised real estate search application using semantic web technologies
Tomáš Dvořák
Master thesis
Ing. Milan Dojčinovski, Ph.D.
Ing. Oldřich Malec
The COVID-19 pandemic led to increasing demand for real estate, mainly for those in cities rich in civic amenities. Finding the right real estate property without any domain insights is difficult. Creating a real estate portal with more than just a base of advertisement listings can require the use of proprietary technologies, which often do not allow storing information for later usage and thus results in the state known as the vendor locking. This thesis proposes an alternative way of creating a web-based scalable application using open source technologies powered by a triple-store database which enables the potential of the linked data.
Extension of the Cpputest framework and its usage in the ETCS simulator testing
Kateřina Kasalická
Master thesis
Ing. Jiří Chludil
Ing. Jan Matoušek
This thesis is mainly concerned with design and implementation of extension of the existing C++ testing framework CppUTest. The CppUTest already includes moderate support for work with mocks, however this work suggests extension of this support focused on s wider and more automatic usage of the mocks.
First task of this thesis is to analyze and summarize software testing principles and techniques. The following task is to analyze existing C++ testing frameworks, the collected data from this analysis are then used to suggest and form new features for the CppUTest.
The last task of this thesis is to examine usage of the developed extension via implementing a set of tests for the ETCS simulator project.
Client-Side Application Development Using Blazor Framework - a Blockchain Smart Contract Designer Case Study
Jan Klicpera
Master thesis
Ing. Marek Skotnica
Mgr. Ondřej Dvořák, Ph.D.
A Blockchain smart contract (SC) is an emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize the practice of conducting legal contracts. The benefits of SC include, for example, the opportunity to eliminate the need for third-party authorities. However, one of the challenges associated with smart contracts, stalling their mass adoption, is the complex, highly technical method of creating them. DasContract is an ongoing research project that aims to address this challenge by defining a visual domain-specific language (DSL) that can be converted into executable smart contract code. This thesis contributes to the research project by designing and implementing a web application in the Blazor WebAssembly framework, which allows users to visually model smart contracts using the DasContract DSL. The thesis also explores the possibilities of deploying the implemented client-side Blazor web application as a standalone multi-platform application. The editor is fully open-source and is currently being utilized for conducting further SC research.
Similarity Search in Unstructured Data using Data-Transitive Models
Ing. David Bernhauer
Dissertation thesis
prof. RNDr. Tomáš Skopal, Ph.D.
doc. RNDr. Vlastislav Dohnal, Ph.D.
Prof. Richard C. H. Connor, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Magnus Lie Hetland, Ph.D.
Prof. Richard C. H. Connor, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Magnus Lie Hetland, Ph.D.
Adapting Enterprise Engineering and Normalised Systems Theories to Develop a Methodical Framework Supporting Technology Transitions
Mgr. Ondřej Dvořák
Dissertation thesis
doc. Ing. Robert Pergl, Ph.D.
assist. prof. David Sardinha Andrade de Aveiro, PhD
assist. prof. Sérgio Luís Proença Duarte Guerreiro, PhD.
doc. Ing. František Huňka, CSc.
assist. prof. Sérgio Luís Proença Duarte Guerreiro, PhD.
doc. Ing. František Huňka, CSc.
Measurement of dimensions and shapes of costume jewelry diamonds
Justýna Frommová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jakub Novák
Ing. Mgr. Ladislava Smítková Janků, Ph.D.
The focus of this thesis is on the size measurement of jewelry stones based on computer vision and image processing. The quality of jewelry stones is inspected by the size of its circumscribed and inscribed circle, the size of the circumscribed circle of the diamond's table, level of polish and center offset. Three acquisition systems and four algorithms are presented. The acquisition system is composed of a monochromatic camera, a telecentric lens, a coaxial light and a specific bar diffuser and ring diffuser. Algorithms are implemented using the Canny-Otsu detector, Otsu thresholding and watershed segmentation. The accuracy of the measurements is 0,0098 mm, size deviation related to the position in the image oscillates within a range of 0,0028 mm and 0,0040 mm.
Mobile application Seznamovák
Michaela Kučerová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Tomáš Nováček
The focus of this thesis is the development of the mobile application Seznamovák for Android operating system written in Kotlin programming language. The thesis includes an analysis of the original version of the application together with the definition of the requirements for the new solution, which is followed by the design and implementation of this solution. Finally, the thesis deals with the user testing of the application. The result of this thesis is a functional mobile application that will serve the participants and organizers of the introductory course of the Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
Design and implementation of web interface for telerehabilitation
Jan Petržílka
Bachelor thesis
doc. Ing. Patrik Kutílek, MSc., Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Mlejnek
The content of the work is the development of a web application for telerehabilitation according to the requirements of the thesis supervisor. The application allows a user with the administrator role to define templates, and a user with the client role can use these templates to enter information about a task. The template may contain a video recording. The application forwards the completed form with file attachments for processing to a related application, which is not the subject of this work, and displays information to the client about the result of processing. Users with the therapeutist role have assigned clients and they have access to the their tasks. In addition to the usual requirements, the application includes functionality for video recording based on Media Recording API and for transferring large files of size of hundreds of MB from a web browser to a server. A custom data flow control algorithm to avoid congestion collapse is used to transfer data to the server. The user interface is made in Czech and English with fully parameterized localization. The server part is implemented in Java, PostgreSQL is used as the database.
Artificial Intelligence Methods for Interior Design and Furnishing
Eliška Svobodová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Mgr. Ladislava Smítková Janků, Ph.D.
prof. RNDr. Tomáš Skopal, Ph.D.
This thesis contributes to automated interior design research by designing and implementing a new system. The design process is divided into the planning of the functional zones using simulated annealing and arranging the furniture with a genetic algorithm. The system can fulfill the user's requirements on the room's shape, functions, and used furniture. The experiments show the ability of the system to design an interior of rooms with varying shapes and selection of furniture.
Trackman - monitoring service for Integromat platform
Dominik Kadera
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Michal Valenta, Ph.D.
Ing. Petr Malimánek
This thesis covers the software design and realization of the Trackman service in the integration platform, Integromat.
Trackman is a key component of the internal monitoring system of Integromat, and also plays a major role in the further distribution of collected data on the platform.
The goal was to design the whole architecture of the service, mainly the database model and architecture of the application layer in JavaScript, as well as designing the communication between Trackman and third-party services while leveraging the existing integrations that are already offered by Integromat, and finally implementing the whole solution.
The database layer is built on top of the PostgreSQL database management system and uses the Stored Procedures pattern.
The application layer is then coded in JavaScript and thanks to the internal libraries of Integromat, it offers a high level of data abstraction and a wide range of possibilities for data transformation.
At the time of finishing this thesis, Trackman is already running in the production environment, serving roughly half a million requests a day.
Sample interactive graphic calculation output
Dominika Králiková
Master thesis
doc. Ing. Štěpán Starosta, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Ivan Šimeček, Ph.D.
This diploma thesis focuses on the selection of appropriate technologies for the creation of interactive graphical visualizations of calculation output and on implementation of model examples designated to support the teaching of mathematical subjects with the use of proposed solution. First part of the thesis is dedicated to the analysis of available rendering systems. Subsequently, a list of model examples suitable for interactive demonstrations during a lecture is assembled. Afterwards the thesis focuses on the selection of a suitable rendering system, on the design and the implementation of a web application containing individual model examples, on the testing of this application and on its trial deployment. The output of this thesis is a finished web application implemented with the use of the Plotly library, which includes defined model examples such as function approximation with the help of Taylor polynomial or visualization of the method of Lagrange multipliers. The application supports easy creation of new visualizations and their integration with the MARAST teaching support system.