Department of Computer Systems


Advanced Perception Methods for Robotic Platform

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
The goal of the project is developing advanced methods based on neural networks with complex weights, image processing, image recognition, and agent systems focused on applications in robotics. The project integrates the research activities of four doctoral students in order to exploit their research results to extend the functionality of the robotic platform, which arises in the context of student projects. In particular, object detection, object recognition and object position detection and audio data processing is intended fot speaker localization and robot navigation. The result of the project is a set of program components, methods or procedures that are applicable in the bachelor and master projects to create robotic applications.

Advancing the frontiers of first-principle modeling of atomic nuclei

Standard projects
Czech Science Foundation
2022 - 2024
Many ongoing and future experiments utilize medium-mass atomic nuclei as exquisite laboratories for exploring the fundamental symmetries of nature and searching for signals of new physics beyond the Standard Model. While large particle colliders probe the high-energy frontier, sensitive studies of low-energy nuclear processes provide a complementary approach. We will exploit a novel combination of physics, mathematics, and advanced computational methods to build a novel quantum many-body framework for solving the structure of medium- mass nuclei and their processes from first principles with unprecedented accuracy and scope. This will allow us to provide a number of key nuclear theory predictions needed for the interpretation of ongoing and future experimental efforts to detect dark matter and to search for violations of predictions of the Standard model in electroweak nuclear processes.

Algorithms for Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
The proposed project is based on previous research results in the field of parallel and distributed computing systems. It is aimed at massively parallel computing, GPU computing, cluster computing, and global grid computing systems. More specifically, the project is going to focus 1) on the reseach of the architecture of the nondedicated cluster architecture with the focus on the algorithms for distributed task scheduling in such clusters, 2) on the design of efficient algorithms for crystal structure determination based on powder diffraction method on massively parallel GPU clusters, 3) on the parallelization of immune-system-inspired algorithms on GPU clusters, 4) on the design of efficient algorithms for data acquisition and visualization of very large sparse matrices mapped row-wise/column-wise on processors of massively parallel multiprocessor systems, and 5) on the reseach of heuristic algorithms for resource allocation in worldwide computing grids.

Application of paralelization of scientific computations

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
This project consists of several research subprojects that investigate various interesting parallel programming aspects. The first research project concerns with sparse matrix storage formats. It is focused on aspects of quad-tree abstract data type for sparse matrix representation. Preliminary results indicate high potential of quad-tree format, but it is necessary to implement more functions and measure the performance thoroughly. The next part of the project is algorithms for visualization of very large sparse matrices. The recently developed algorithm is independent of partitioning of a matrix among individual processors of a parallel computer. The price for this independence is that the memory requirements are proportional to the size of the image, which limits the detail investigation of the matrix structure. The goal is to develop memory efficient algorithms for visualization of particular types of sparse matrices that will lead to the possibility of creation of much bigger re

Classification of Spatio-Temporal Data Using Complex-Valued Neural Networks

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
Complex-Valued neural networks are natural extension of real-valued artificial neural networks. They are apllied in problems containig complex-valued data, especially in signal analysis (e.g. data transformed by Fourier transformation). This project deals with development of new spatio-temporal data classification method. This method uses coding to complex numbers and combines neural networks RBF and complex-valued neural networks. This method will be tested on artificial and real data.

Cooperation with LSU-USA on problems of storing and loading of very large sparse matrices

Projekty v rámci přímé spolupráce se zahraničními institucemi z EU
Another foreign provider
LSU 53025
2011 - 2012
The project goal is to design and create a framework for storing large sparse matrices onto disk subsystems and their loading back. The framework will be included in SA-NCSM (symmetry adapted no-core shell model) solver.

Cryptography for Securing Electronic Devices

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
2017 - 2019
The aim of this project is research in the field of security embedded systems. Developers typically design specific cryptographic primitives for electronic devices enabling their deployment in highly unsecured environments. These primitives must be adapted to the properties of the used embedded electronic devices in order to ensure the required level of security.

Cryptology and security

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
The Applicated Numerics and Cryptology research group studies various security components of information systems, especially at the research and development true random generators and physically unclonable functions, cryptoanalysis of block and stream ciphers, factorization of large numbers and efficient solving large systems of linear equations. The proposed project also addresses these thematic research areas.

Cryptology, security, and parallel computations

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
This project is aimed at several aspects of security of information systems inclusing identification of potential security threats. Main topics are following: cryptoanalysis of block and stream ciphers, efficient solving large systems of linear equations with an infinite precision, and the research and development true random generators and physically unclonable functions,

Datacenter Management System

Programme of applied research and experimental development ALFA
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
2012 - 2013
Research and development within DMS project aims at creation and implementation of modular SW used for increase of effectiveness of data centres - decrease of energy consumption and considerable decrease of operational costs. As a consequence, effective utilization of available area of a data centre can be reached resulting in higher density of allocated IT technologies and overall increase of accessibility of services.

Design and implementation of support mechanisms for peer-to-peer clusters

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
2010 - 2012
The proposed project extends the previous research and development in the area of non-dedicated clusters. The original system, called Clondike, was successfully designed and implemented within a project supported 3year GAČR grant. During his doctoral study, Martin Stava designed a unique architecture combining elements of SSI clusters with peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. The new architecture, named ONDC system, brings along a number of new requirements on key support mechanisms, such as security, task scheduling, communication methods, cluster forming and monitoring, distributed file system. The goal of this project is to integrate these mechanisms into the proposed architecture.

Design of efficient parallel algorithms for solution of important engineer's problems

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
2017 - 2019
The proposed project is based on previous research results in the field of parallel and distributed algorithms for solution of some important engineer's problems. More specifically, the project is going to focus 1) on the most advanced computer science methods in astronomy to allow preprocessing, storing, sharing, and analysing of petabytes of data flowing continuously from astronomical instruments, 2) on the methodology and algorithms for a systematic evaluation of sparse matrix storage formats that would allow a complex understanding of their properties, 3) on the research of algorithms for solving the convex hull problem in 2 and 3 dimensions, focused on their effective implementation and parallelization.

Design of efficient parallel algorithms for solution of important engineer's problems

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
2020 - 2022
The proposed project is based on previous research results in the field of parallel and distributed algorithms for solution of some important engineer's problems. More specifically, the project is going to focus 1) on the methodology and algorithms for a systematic evaluation of sparse matrix and tensor storage formats that would allow a complex understanding of their properties, 2) on the application of machine learning in network security, 3) on the most advanced computer science methods in astronomy to allow preprocessing, storing, sharing, and analyzing of petabytes of data flowing continuously from astronomical instruments, 4) on the research of algorithms for multithreaded memoization system focused on their effective implementation and parallelization.

Design of efficient parallel algorithms for solution of important engineer's problems II

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
2023 - 2025
The proposed project is based on previous research results in the field of parallel and distributed algorithms for solution of some important engineer's problems. More specifically, the project is going to focus 1) on the most advanced computer science methods in astronomy to allow preprocessing, storing, sharing, and analyzing of petabytes of data flowing continuously from astronomical instruments, 2) on the methodology and algorithms for a systematic evaluation of sparse matrix and tensor storage formats that would allow a complex understanding of their properties, 3) on parallel algorithms for reconstruction of physical objects from recorded data.

Development of symmetry-guided methods for first principle modeling of medium-mass atomic nuclei

Standard projects
Czech Science Foundation
2016 - 2018
One of the most important and open problems in contemporary physics is the precise description of inter-nucleon interaction, which is derived from the underlying principles of Quantum Chromodynamics, and application of this interaction for first-principle computations of nuclear structure and reactions. In this research effort, a group of nuclear physicists and computer scientists will develop of novel approaches and methods for modeling of light and medium-mass nuclei and their properties, and will implement these methods in form of highly parallel algorithms for modern supercomputing architectures. This will facilitate first-principle modeling of nuclear structure and will provide a reliable structural information important for studying nuclear reactions, modeling of neutrinos interactions with atomic nuclei, or testing physics beyond the Standard Model.

Embedded Systems Workshop 2013

Studentská vědecká konference ČVUT
SVK 44/13/F8
První ročník společného semináře (studentské konference) kateder číslicového návrhu a počítačových systémů FIT s doktorandskými studenty z university Tel Aviv z Izraele. Při návštěvě prof. Ilyi Levina z University Tel Aviv v listopadu 2012 jsme našli společná témata, která odpovídají současným trendům ve výzkumu vestavných systémů. Domluvili jsme užší spolupráci se zaměřením na PhD. studenty. Proto jsem se rozhodli uspořádat v podstatě nultý ročník společného semináře, a to tak, aby náklady akce byly co nejmenší. Předpokládáme přednesení příspěvků na téma vestavných systémů, logické syntézy a číslicového návrhu s ohledem na spolehlivost a bezpečnost, včetně bezpečných síťových přenosů. Účast prof Levina a jeho 5 doktorandů je již domluvená. Předpokládáme, že pozveme kolegy z ostatních českých universit zabývajících se stejnou tématikou podle kapacity střediska Temešvár. Hlavním cílem bude příprava společné konference v roce 2014 s širší účastí PhD. studentů i z dalších evropských států

Experimental grid for numerical linear algebra

CESNET - Fond rozvoje
Another domestic provider
CESNET č. 390/2010
2010 - 2012
The main goal of this project is to create an experimental computing grid for scientific computations mainly focused on linear algebra. This grid will execute the special version of libraries (BLAS/LAPACK) for the numeric linear algebra. When the user wants to execute some computations, the heuristic in the client part estimates if it will be faster to do a local computation or send input data to the grid and wait for reply (output data).

Improvement of data preprocessing module in FAKE GAME project

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
2010 - 2011
Goal of this project is to extend extisting part for data preprocessing in the FAKE GAME project. In this project we will look for and implement selected methods for data preprocessing, namely in the field of text mining of the czech texts, preparation of time series data for data mining and feature extraction. We will also implement methods for feature selection and feature ranking as well as extensions of current methods. In this field we will first implement well known algorithms and then we will search for new algorithms. We will implement selected data preprocessing methods in another, well konwn, data mining tools (Kettle and IBM SPSS Modeler). And we will compare results of our methods to methods present in those tools. The next goal of this project is to improve exiting implementation of Automatic Data Preprocessing Algorithm. This algorithm automaticaly selects data preprocessing methods in order to achieve the highest accuracy of the model. This algorithm utilizes genetic al

Information systems and their security

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
The goal of the project is the research and development of security features of current information systems. The emphasis is placed on data and communicaton security at both hardware and software tools. Research Group Applied Numerics and Cryptography has been involved in research on various security elements of information systems. It is especially development of truly random number generators, smart card security, network security, and reverse engineering. The proposed project also addresses these thematic research areas.

Information Systems and their Security

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
The goal of the project is the research and development of security features of current information systems. The emphasis is placed on data and communicaton security at both hardware and software levels. The Network Security Research Group and the Applied Numerics and Cryptography Research Group have been involved in research of various security elements and aspects of information systems. It is especially development in the area of cryptanalysis of block and stream ciphers, in network security, in smart-card security, and in reverse engineering. The proposed project also addresses these thematic research areas.

Meta-Learning and Meta-Optimization

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
2010 - 2011
The aim of this project is to explore a behavior of algorithms for continuous and combinatorial optimization. Meta-information describing a character of a problem will be extracted during an optimization phase and used to design efficient strategies of algorithms' combination and switching to achieve a better convergence.

New directions in blending evolutionary techniques with data mining

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
This project is targeted to basic research in areas emerging by novel approaches to application of evolutionary techniques in data mining

New Methods of Preprocessing and Data Mining

The project focuses on perspective and ever-expanding field of data pre-processing and extraction of information of valuable content from the data. The methods for information extraction are increasingly using selected methods of artificial intelligence such as neural networks and evolutionary algorithms. Combined models or algorithms for text processing (text mining) come to the fore. The need of these topics is evident from the fact that each year, the volume of data is doubling. At the same time, only 20 % of the available data are processed.

Parallel Input/Output Algorithms for Very Large Sparse Matrices

Standard projects
Czech Science Foundation
2012 - 2014
Algorithms for solving so called "Grand challenge problems" lead to huge data sets, typically organized as sparse matrices. This project addresses the research of effective and scalable algorithms and data structures for input/output operations on very large sparse matrices that due to their size must be stored and processed on massively parallel computers with tens or hundreds of thousands of processors. Such matrices consist of trillions of nonzero entries. The project focuses on research of new binary file formats for storing such matrices, on research of data structures and scalable algorithms for effective loading such matrices into massively parallel solvers, and on research of memory-effective formats for representation of such matrices in computer memory. Finally, the project also aims at research of effective and scalable algorithms for visualization of very large sparse matrices on massively parallel computers. Together with theoretical parts, the project involves verification of proposed algorithms and data structures on real massively parallel computers.

Parallel visualization of large sparse matrices

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
Visualization of sparse matrices is mostly performed on desktop systems by programs such as Matlab or Mathematica. This approach cannot be used in case of large matrices that are spread across many nodes of a massively parallel supercomputer. The goal of this project is to develop efficient visualization techniques for large sparse matrices that could be easily integrated into an existing codes based on the MPI parallel programming model.

Prague Embedded Systems Workshop 2014

Studentská vědecká konference ČVUT
SVK 53/14/F8
Cílem studentského - doktorského pracovního semináře je rozšířit kontakty v oblasti teorie i praxe vestavných systémů mezi Ph.D. studenty nejen z universit v České a Slovenské republice, ale navázat např. na úspěšnou spolupráci s Universitou v Tel-Avivu. Předpokládáme přednesení příspěvků na téma vestavných systémů, logické syntézy a číslicového návrhu s ohledem na spolehlivost a bezpečnost, včetně bezpečných síťových přenosů. Konkrétní témata: - Programmable/Re-configurable/Adaptable Architectures - SoC and NoC Design and Testing - Digital Design Optimization Methods - Architectures and Hardware for Security Applications - On-line and Off-line Error Detection and Correction - Testability Analysis - Logic Synthesis & Verification - Diagnosis & Testing of Embedded Systems - Applications of (embedded) digital systems. Prague Embedded Systems Workshop 2014 (PESW´14) je druhým ročníkem nízkonákladového semináře ESW 2013 (viz, který měl velmi kladné ohlasy. Po domluvě s dalšími pracovišti (např. s University of California, Irvine, CA, U.S.A., konkrétně s prof. Jean-Luc Gaudiotem) plánujeme záběr semináře rozšířit, a proto hlavně kvůli snadnější dostupnosti jsme se rozhodli uspořádat příští ročník v Praze nebo blízkém okolí (Konkrétně v Roztokách u Prahy, hotel Academia). Předpokládáme, že by pracovní workshop, zatím zaměřený jen na prezentace a výsledky Ph.D. studentů mohl postupně přerůst v klasickou konferenci, ale vždy s částí (sekcí, či několika sekcemi) zaměřenými na výsledky Ph.D. studentů v oblastech vestavných návrhů a aplikací.

Problems of Cyber Threats from the Point of View of the Czech Republic Concerns

Security Research
Ministry of Interior
2007 - 2010
The project is concerned about complex study of threats related to informatics and computer technology and their exploitation in the field. Expected outcomes of the project are not only technological solution of CSIRT and forensic methods, but also social, psychological and legal aspect of cyberspace.

Routing in Sensor Networks through Distributed Phase-Shift Beamforming

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
2014 - 2015
One of the problems of sensor networks is the fact that the wireless modules are small (in size) and have very limited resources (battery, processing power, transmission power, small antennas). In order to connect clusters of modules via long distances four methods can be applied: to increase antenna gains (which will increase the physical size of the modules), to increase the transmission power (which will drain the batteries faster), to install repeaters (sometimes this is not possible due to the remote locations such sensor arrays are used in) or to apply distributed phase-shift beamforming, which was the goal of our work in grant SGS11/158/OHK3/3T/13. However, the main problem is now to be able to interconnect multiple clusters and to be able to send information from cluster to cluster. Thus the problem we are now solving is to use the principle of distributed phase-shift beamforming to achieve data routing in a network composed of many clusters of modules.

Security analysis of comunication between contactless smartcards and terminal

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
The aim of this project is to provide the security analysis of contactless smartcards considering the actual issue in the field of smartcard security. The main focus lays in the area of electronic wallets and contactless payment terminal security. This project will include the implementation of typical attack and analysis of potential threats. Based on this analysis, we will set basic rules for elimination of weaknesses. The outputs of the project could help improving security of the whole payment system. The project has a good future perspective and we can expect more publications on this issue.

Security analysis of contactless smartcards

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
The aim of this project is to do security analysis of contactless smartcards. The analysis will consider theoretical description of attacks on the widely used card Mirafe Classic, that were published. Project will consist of the implementation of attack based on published theoretical attacks. Based on this analysis will be given suggestions on improvements of the contactless smartcards security.

Security aspects of current information technology

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
The project aims to research the security of selected IT technologies with emphasis on security and communication of processed data. The research group working at the Department of Computer Systems has been long engaged in research particularly in the areas of truly random number generators, smart card security, network security and reverse engineering. The topics of the proposed project are related to these areas.

Software Architecture of Distributed ICT Systems

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
The project covers 3 topics in the software architecture of distributed ICT systems: 1) Integration of the current architecture of the non-dedicated cluster system Clondike with an implementation of a distributed log in Apach Cassandra with the aim to realize sophisticated management of process migration and security management of the whole cluster. 2) Research of optimal policies of trust establishment and selfishness limitations in ad-hoc and sensor networks with the aim to find the required mix of requirements for computational tasks and requirements for forwarding and transmission of data within the network. The result will serve as a base for developping a method that will take into account not only message routing and trust establishment among modules of the network, but efficiency with respect to power awareness as well. 3) Research of the extension of the concept of Software Defined Networks (SDN) to dynamic circuit switching in optical networks with dense wave multiplex (DWDM) and research of impact of dynamic insertion and deletion of DWDM channels on the monitored parameters of the optical route (especially the impact of various signal levels of added channels on the quality of the DWDM signal at various parts of the route) with the aim to provide more efficient services for network applications requiring direct access to the photonic network layer.

Software for evaluation of age with use of pelvis in Retrospective Anthropology, Archeology and Forensic Sciences

Programme of applied research and experimental development in social sciences and humanities ETA
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
2020 - 2022
The main objective and output of the project is to create user-friendly software for automatic evaluation of the age of adult skeletal remains. SW will allow age estimation based on sophisticated anthropological and statistical approaches, but its use will be easy even for the general bioarchaeological or forensic public. The aim of the project is to reduce subjectivity and at the same time to increase the accuracy and reliability of methods for assessing the age of skeletal remains. The approach is based on quantification of changes in the surface area of the pelvic bone. It is an interconnection of several areas of science, from anthropology, archeology and acquisition of 3D data by surface scanners, through their processing by sophisticated statistical approaches, to computer science. Aplikační garant

Study of properties of residual arithmetic for solving sets of linear equations

Standard projects
Czech Science Foundation
2012 - 2014
Our intention is to study the properties of the multiple-modulus residual arithmetic with respect to specific numerical problems of linear algebra. One of complex problems of linear algebra suitable for our purpose is solving large systems of linear equations. This requires to create a model of a solver for performing experiments. The method of Gauss-Jordan elimination with residual pivoting is chosen as the base of the solver. In order to gain precise knowledge about the arithmetic used in the model, a hardware architecture of the model will be emulated on FPGA. This experimental solution enables us also verify the theoretical prediction about the spatial, temporal and communication complexity of the modeled solver.

Study of properties of residual arithmetic for solving sets of linear equations

Standard projects
Czech Science Foundation
2012 - 2014
Our intention is to study the properties of the multiple-modulus residual arithmetic with respect to specific numerical problems of linear algebra. One of complex problems of linear algebra suitable for our purpose is solving large systems of linear equations. This requires to create a model of a solver for performing experiments. The method of Gauss-Jordan elimination with residual pivoting is chosen as the base of the solver. In order to gain precise knowledge about the arithmetic used in the model, a hardware architecture of the model will be emulated on FPGA. This experimantal solution enables us also verify the theoretical predicition about the spatial, temporal and communication complexity of the modeled solver.

Time series modeling using phase space reconstruction

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
The project focuses on time series modeling and classification using a phase space reconstruction method. Time series are products of dynamic systems which seems as an appropriate subject for this process because each state of the system can be described using a phase vector representing typically coordinates and their derivations. Such components and their transformations will be selected using a genetic algorithm applied to the input data, that success rate of the classification system will be improved. The approach will be applied on artificial and experimental data. The experimental data represent human motion (a person activity type classification using sensors attached to a human body), data measured at patients suffering from Parkinson's disease (quantification of possible movement disorder as a computer aid for a doctor) and other.

Trust Establishment and Selfishness Limitation in Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
Ad-hoc and sensor networks are distributed wireless networks in which each device generally fulfils two functions: a task (or set of tasks) and relaying (helping other devices to communicate). All these devices are powered by batteries and thus the two functions are colliding in goals. The devices should relay but also conserve power. Too helpful for others results in quick battery depletion. Too selfish results in a disconnected network. There can be a threshold between helpfulness and selfishness and this is the goal of this project is to find this zone of fairness.

Tvorba předmětu Paralelní architektury počítačů

MŠMT - projekty Fondu rozvoje vysokých škol (FRVŠ)
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Cílem projektu "Tvorba předmětu Paralelní architektury počítačů" je inovace tohoto předmětu tak, aby seznámil studenty s moderním (a stále se rozšiřujícím) trendem: použitím grafických karet pro obecné výpočty. Dále se studenti prakticky seznámí s možnostmi moderních aplikací pro tvorbu a profilování kódů. Osnova přednášek bude uzpůsobena s ohledem na demonstraci tohoto směru. Řešitelský tým se také bude snažit vytvořit atraktivní cvičení předmětu tak, aby se studenti mohli už od začátku semestru zabývat praktickou implementací algoritmů s pomocí moderních nástrojů v této oblasti.

Videostream Hunter

CESNET - Fond rozvoje
Another domestic provider
2021 - 2023
Currently, a large amount of multimedia content (audio/video) is offered through online platforms, typically at the request of the user (Video-on-Demand). This practice is quite common today for paid services (eg online video rentals), but it also appears on data sharing platforms (eg. Ulož.to), where the legality of the origin of the data cannot be guaranteed. There are even platforms where it can even be argued (see the document "On the Net") that your own content, regardless of origin, can be extremely harmful (eg. terrorism, child pornography, etc.). The whole thing is further complicated by the fact that the majority of this traffic is currently encrypted using the HTTPS protocol, which makes it very difficult to identify. The purpose of the project is to search for ways and mechanisms for finding the fingerprint of specific video streams and then identify them from the network traffic reported via the NetFlow / IPFix protocol. The solution of the project presupposes the creation of a common research infrastructure over a distributed data storage (created from SSD or NVMe disks) between the two university workplaces, the interconnection of which will be realized through the Cesnet backbone network.