Dean Marcel Jiřina was inaugurated in Bethlehem Chapel

4. 5. 2022

On 28 April 2022, the inauguration of doc. Marcel Jiřina was held at the Bethlehem Chapel. On 1 October 2021, doc. Jiřina was appointed Dean of FIT CTU for the term of office 2021–2025. The Rector of CTU doc. Vojtěch Petráček and the deans of the other five faculties were inaugurated too.

At the inauguration, doc. Marcel Jiřina took the dean’s oath, took over the dean’s chain and the appointment decree. He has been working intensively for four years. He has set fundamental goals for the next four ones, which include continuing to improve the quality of teaching, strengthening science and developing the faculty as a whole. 

“I would like the faculty to be a magnet for students and employees, and studying there to be a prestigious affair,” Marcel Jiřina introduced his vision. “This second term, I would like to move the faculty forward in the direction of scientific results.”

During his tenure as Dean of FIT, the faculty has become one of the leading IT faculties in the Czech Republic. Interest in studying at the faculty increased significantly during his first term of office, and FIT CTU has the highest number of applicants of all CTU faculties. More than a fifth of all applicants for study at CTU apply to FIT.

The person responsible for the content of this page: Bc. Veronika Dvořáková