The laboratory’s primary goal is research and development in the field of monitoring of high-speed computer network traffic and infrastructures, the internet of things (IoT), network traffic analysis and detection of anomalies, i.e. malicious or suspicious traffic.

Our activities are focused on processing of data at various levels. This means that we deal with hardware acceleration (using the technology of FPGA and COMBO cards) using the modern P4 language, processing information about network flows, analysis of detected security incidents. The laboratory was established thanks to the long-term cooperation with the national academic network operator CESNET.

More about us

What we do

  • Using the high-level, domain-specific language P4, we do automatic generating of optimal hardware architectures for network traffic processing.
  • We do research and development of so-called stream-wise analytical and detection algorithms to be used on IP flow collectors.
  • We explore the possibilities of the analysis of encrypted network traffic with the use of extended IP flows and machine learning.

Where to find us

Network Traffic Monitoring Lab
Department of Digital Design
Faculty of Information Technology
Czech Technical University in Prague

Room TH:A-954 (Building A, 9th floor)
Thákurova 7
Prague 6 – Dejvice
160 00

The person responsible for the content of this page: doc. Ing. Štěpán Starosta, Ph.D.