A comparison of adversarial malware generators
Louthánová, P.; Kozák, M.; Jureček, M.; Stamp, M.; Di Troia, F.
Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques. 2024, 2024 1-17. ISSN 2263-8733.
Machine learning has proven to be a valuable tool for automated malware detection, but machine learning systems have also been shown to be subject to adversarial attacks. This paper summarizes and compares related work on generating adversarial malware samples, specifically malicious Windows Portable Executable files. In contrast with previous research, we not only compare generators of adversarial malware examples theoretically, but we also provide an experimental comparison and evaluation for practical usability. We use gradient-based, evolutionary-based, and reinforcement-based approaches to create adversarial samples, which we test against selected antivirus products. The results show that applying optimized modifications to previously detected malware can lead to incorrect classification of the file as benign. Moreover, generated malicious samples can be effectively employed against detection models other than those used to produce them, and combinations of methods can construct new instances that avoid detection. Based on our findings, the Gym-malware generator, which uses reinforcement learning, has the greatest practical potential. This generator has the fastest average sample production time of 5.73 s and the highest average evasion rate of 44.11%. Using the Gym-malware generator in combination with itself further improved the evasion rate to 58.35%. However, other tested methods scored significantly lower in our experiments than reported in the original publications, highlighting the importance of a standardized evaluation environment.
Ab initio translationally invariant nucleon-nucleus optical potentials
Burrows, M.; Launey, K.D.; Mercenne, A.; Baker, R.B.; Sargsyan, G.H.; Dytrych, T.; Langr, D.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2024, 109 ISSN 2469-9985.
We combine the ab initio symmetry-adapted no-core shell model (SA-NCSM) with the single-particle Green's function approach to construct optical potentials rooted in first principles. Specifically, we show that total cross sections and phase shifts for neutron elastic scattering from a 4He target with projectile energies between 0.5 and 10 MeV closely reproduce the experiment. In addition, we discuss an important new development that resolves a long-standing issue with spurious center-of-mass motion in the Green's function formalism for many-body approaches. The new development opens a path for first-principle predictions of cross sections for elastic scattering of single-nucleon projectiles, nucleon capture, and deuteron breakup reactions, feasible for a broad range of open-shell spherical and deformed nuclei in the SA-NCSM approach.
Action Duration Generalization for Exact Multi-Agent Collective Construction
Rameš, M.; Surynek, P.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Setúbal: Science and Technology Publications, Lda, 2024. p. 718-725. vol. 3. ISSN 2184-433X. ISBN 978-989-758-680-4.
Proceedings paper
This paper addresses exact approaches to multi-agent collective construction problem which tasks a group of cooperative agents to build a given structure in a blocksworld under the gravity constraint. We propose a generalization of the existing exact model based on mixed integer linear programming by accommodating varying agent action durations. We refer to the model as a fraction-time model. The introduction of action durations enables one to create a more realistic model for various domains. It provides a significant reduction of plan execution duration at the cost of increased computational time, which rises steeply the closer the model gets to the exact real-world action duration. We also propose a makespan estimation function for the fraction-time model. This can be used to estimate the construction time reduction size for cost-benefit analysis. The fraction-time model and the makespan estimation function have been evaluated in a series of experiments using a set of benchmark st ructures. The results show a significant reduction of plan execution duration for non-constant duration actions due to decreasing synchronization overhead at the end of each action. According to the results, the makespan estimation function provides a reasonably accurate estimate of the makespan.
Adaptive Input Normalization for Quantized Neural Networks
Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems. Piscataway: IEEE, 2024. p. 130-135. ISBN 979-8-3503-5934-3.
Proceedings paper
Neural networks with quantized activation functions
cannot adapt the quantization at the input of their first layer.
Preprocessing is therefore required to adapt the range of input
data to the quantization range. Such preprocessing usually
includes an activation-wise linear transformation and is steered
by the properties of the training set. We suggest to include the
linear transform into the training process. We document that
it improves accuracy, requires the same resources as standard
preprocessing, plays a role in network pruning, and is reasonably
stable with respect to initialization.
Average-case complexity of a branch-and-bound algorithm for MIN DOMINATING SET
Denat, T.; Harutyunyan, A.; Melissinos, N.; Paschos, V. T..
Discrete Applied Mathematics. 2024, 345 4-8. ISSN 0166-218X.
The average-case complexity of a branch-and-bound algorithm for MIN DOMINATING SET problem in random graphs in the G(n, p) model is studied. We identify phase transitions between subexponential and exponential average-case complexities, depending on the growth of the probability p with respect to the number n of nodes. (c) 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Banach spaces with small weakly open subsets of the unit ball and massive sets of Daugavet and Δ-points
Cobollo, C.; Isert, D.; López-Pérez, G.; Martín, M.; Perreau, Y.; Quero de la Rosa, A.; Quilis, A.; Rodríguez-Vidanes, D.L.; Rueda Zoca, A.
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas. 2024, 118(3), ISSN 1578-7303.
We prove that there exists an equivalent norm · on L∞[0,1] with the following properties: The unit ball of (L∞[0,1],·) contains non-empty relatively weakly open subsets of arbitrarily small diameter; The set of Daugavet points of the unit ball of (L∞[0,1],·) is weakly dense; The set of ccw Δ-points of the unit ball of (L∞[0,1],·) is norming. We also show that there are points of the unit ball of (L∞[0,1],·) which are not Δ-points, meaning that the space (L∞[0,1],·) fails the diametral local diameter 2 property. Finally, we observe that the space (L∞[0,1],·) provides both alternative and new examples that illustrate the differences between the various diametral notions for points of the unit ball of Banach spaces.
beeFormer: Bridging the Gap Between Semantic and Interaction Similarity in Recommender Systems
Vančura, V.; Kordík, P.; Straka, M.
RecSys '24: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. New York: ACM, 2024. p. 1102-1107. ISBN 979-8-4007-0505-2.
Proceedings paper
Recommender systems often use text-side information to improve their predictions, especially in cold-start or zero-shot recommendation scenarios, where traditional collaborative filtering approaches cannot be used. Many approaches to text-mining side information for recommender systems have been proposed over recent years, with sentence Transformers being the most prominent one. However, these models are trained to predict semantic similarity without utilizing interaction data with hidden patterns specific to recommender systems. In this paper, we propose beeFormer, a framework for training sentence Transformer models with interaction data. We demonstrate that our models trained with beeFormer can transfer knowledge between datasets while outperforming not only semantic similarity sentence Transformers but also traditional collaborative filtering methods. We also show that training on multiple datasets from different domains accumulates knowledge in a single model, unlocking the possibility of training universal, domain-agnostic sentence Transformer models to mine text representations for recommender systems. We release the source code, trained models, and additional details allowing replication of our experiments at https://github.com/recombee/beeformer.
Classification and online clustering of zero-day malware
Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques. 2024, 2024 1-14. ISSN 2263-8733.
A large amount of new malware is constantly being generated, which must not only be distinguished from benign samples, but also classified into malware families. For this purpose, investigating how existing malware families are developed and examining emerging families need to be explored. This paper focuses on the online processing of incoming malicious samples to assign them to existing families or, in the case of samples from new families, to cluster them. We experimented with seven prevalent malware families from the EMBER dataset, four in the training set and three additional new families in the test set. The features were extracted by static analysis of portable executable files for the Windows operating system. Based on the classification score of the multilayer perceptron, we determined which samples would be classified and which would be clustered into new malware families. We classified 97.21% of streaming data with a balanced accuracy of 95.33%. Then, we clustered the remaining data using a self-organizing map, achieving a purity from 47.61% for four clusters to 77.68% for ten clusters. These results indicate that our approach has the potential to be applied to the classification and clustering of zero-day malware into malware families.
Coupling and recoupling coefficients for Wigner’s U(4) supermultiplet symmetry
Dang, P.; Draayer, J.P.; Fen, P.; Dytrych, T.; Langr, D.; Kekejian, D.; Becker, K.S.; Thompson, N.
The European Physical Journal Plus. 2024, 139 1-21. ISSN 2190-5444.
A novel procedure for evaluating Wigner coupling coefficients and Racah recoupling coefficients for U(4) in two group—subgroup chains is presented. The canonical U(4) ⊃ U(3) ⊃ U(2) ⊃ U(1)coupling and recoupling coefficients are applicable to any system that possesses U(4) symmetry, while the physical U(4) ⊃ SUS(2)⊗SUT(2) coupling coefficients are more specific to nuclear structure studies that utilize Wigner’s supermultiplet symmetry concept. The procedure that is proposed sidesteps the use of binomial coefficients and alternating sum series and consequently enables fast and accurate computation of any and all U(4)-underpinned features. The inner multiplicity of a (S, T) pair within a single U(4) irreducible representation is obtained from the dimension of the null space of the SU(2) raising generators, while the resolution for the outer multiplicity follows from the work of Alex et al. on U(N). It is anticipated that a C++ library will ultimately be available for determining generic coupling and recoupling coefficients associated with both the canonical and the physical group–subgroup chains of U(4).
Creating valid adversarial examples of malware
Kozák, M.; Jureček, M.; Stamp, M.; Di Troia, F.
Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques. 2024, 2024 1-15. ISSN 2263-8733.
Because of its world-class results, machine learning (ML) is becoming increasingly popular as a go-to solution for many tasks. As a result, antivirus developers are incorporating ML models into their toolchains. While these models improve malware detection capabilities, they also carry the disadvantage of being susceptible to adversarial attacks. Although this vulnerability has been demonstrated for many models in white-box settings, a black-box scenario is more applicable in practice for the domain of malware detection. We present a method of creating adversarial malware examples using reinforcement learning algorithms. The reinforcement learning agents utilize a set of functionality-preserving modifications, thus creating valid adversarial examples. Using the proximal policy optimization (PPO) algorithm, we achieved an evasion rate of 53.84% against the gradient-boosted decision tree (GBDT) detector. The PPO agent previously trained against the GBDT classifier scored an evasion rate of 11.41% against the neural network-based classifier MalConv and an average evasion rate of 2.31% against top antivirus programs. Furthermore, we discovered that random application of our functionality-preserving portable executable modifications successfully evades leading antivirus engines, with an average evasion rate of 11.65%. These findings indicate that ML-based models used in malware detection systems are sensitive to adversarial attacks and that better safeguards need to be taken to protect these systems.
Evolvable transformation of knowledge graphs into human-oriented formats
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 2024, 62(2), 295-316. ISSN 0925-9902.
Along with the ongoing digitalization of society, we witness a strong movement to make scientific data FAIR, machine-actionable, and available in the form of knowledge graphs. On the other hand, converting machine-actionable data from knowledge graphs back into human-oriented formats, including documents, graphical, or voice user interfaces, poses significant challenges. The solutions often build on various templates tailored to specific platforms on top of the shared underlying data. These templates suffer from limited reusability, making their adaptations difficult. Moreover, the continuous evolution of data or technological advancements requires substantial efforts to maintain these templates over time. In general, these challenges increase software development costs and are error-prone. In this paper, we propose a solution based on Normalized Systems Theory to address this challenge with the aim of achieving evolvability and sustainability in the transformation process of knowledge graphs into human-oriented formats with broad applicability across domains and technologies. We explain the theoretical foundation and design theorems used in our solution and outline the approach and implementation details. We theoretically evaluate our solution by comparing it to the traditional approach, where the systems are crafted manually. The evaluation shows that our solution is more efficient and effective on a large scale, reducing the human labor required to maintain various templates and supported target platforms. Next, we demonstrate the technical feasibility of our solution on a proof-of-concept implementation in a domain of data management planning that may also serve as a basis for future development.
Exact Algorithms and Lowerbounds for Multiagent Path Finding: Power of Treelike Topology
Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Menlo Park: AAAI Press, 2024. p. 17380-17388. ISSN 2159-5399.
Proceedings paper
In the Multiagent Path Finding (MAPF for short) problem, we focus on efficiently finding non-colliding paths for a set of k agents on a given graph G, where each agent seeks a path from its source vertex to a target. An important measure of the quality of the solution is the length of the proposed schedule l, that is, the length of a longest path (including the waiting time). In this work, we propose a systematic study under the parameterized complexity framework. The hardness results we provide align with many heuristics used for this problem, whose running time could potentially be improved based on our Fixed-Parameter Tractability (FPT) results. We show that MAPF is W[1]-hard with respect to k (even if k is combined with the maximum degree of the input graph). The problem remains NP-hard in planar graphs even if the maximum degree and the makespan l are fixed constants. On the positive side, we show an FPT algorithm for k+l. As we continue, the structure of G comes into play. We give an FPT algorithm for parameter k plus the diameter of the graph G. The MAPF problem is W[1]-hard for cliquewidth of G plus l while it is FPT for treewidth of G plus l.
Flexibility and rigidity of frameworks consisting of triangles and parallelograms
Grasegger, G.; Legerský, J.
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications. 2024, 120 ISSN 0925-7721.
A framework, which is a (possibly infinite) graph with a realization of its vertices in the plane, is called flexible if it can be continuously deformed while preserving the edge lengths. We focus on flexibility of frameworks in which 4-cycles form parallelograms. For the class of frameworks considered in this paper (allowing triangles), we prove that the following are equivalent: flexibility, infinitesimal flexibility, the existence of at least two classes of an equivalence relation based on 3- and 4-cycles and being a non -trivial subgraph of the Cartesian product of graphs. We study the algorithmic aspects and the rotationally symmetric version of the problem. The results are illustrated on frameworks obtained from tessellations by regular polygons.
Generating operators between Banach spaces
Kadets, V.; Martín, M.; Merí, J.; Quero, A.
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas. 2024, 118(3), ISSN 1578-7303.
We introduce and study the notion of generating operators as those norm-one operators G:X⟶Y such that for every 0<δ<1, the set {x∈X:‖x‖⩽1,‖Gx‖>1-δ} generates the unit ball of X by closed convex hull. This class of operators includes isometric embeddings, spear operators (actually, operators with the alternative Daugavet property), and other examples like the natural inclusions of ℓ1 into c0 and of L∞[0,1] into L1[0,1]. We first present a characterization in terms of the adjoint operator, make a discussion on the behaviour of diagonal generating operators on c0-, ℓ1-, and ℓ∞-sums, and present examples in some classical Banach spaces. Even though rank-one generating operators always attain their norm, there are generating operators, even of rank-two, which do not attain their norm. We discuss when a Banach space can be the domain of a generating operator which does not attain its norm in terms of the behaviour of some spear sets of the dual space. Finally, we study when the set of all generating operators between two Banach spaces X and Y generates all non-expansive operators by closed convex hull. We show that this is the case when X=L1(μ) and Y has the Radon-Nikodým property with respect to μ. Therefore, when X=ℓ1(Γ), this is the case for every target space Y. Conversely, we also show that a real finite-dimensional space X satisfies that generating operators from X to Y generate all non-expansive operators by closed convex hull only in the case that X is an ℓ1-space.
Heterogeneity of Agents in Cellular Evacuation Model Explains the Decreasing Bottleneck Flow
Hrabák, P.; Šutý, M.; Hotlib, M.
Collective Dynamics. 2024, 9 ISSN 2366-8539.
Heterogeneous crowd consisting of pedestrians with essentially diverse abilities behaves in certain aspects differently than a homogeneous crowd consisting of "average" pedestrians. This study investigates the influence of heterogeneity in aspects connected to the ability to navigate through a crowd in front of a bottleneck. Simulations of cellular multi-agent model suggest that the heterogeneity in ability to push through the crowd (represented by aggressiveness) and willingness to bypass the crowd (represented by sensitivity to occupation) may be responsible for the bottleneck flow decreasing in time – a phenomenon observed in experiments.
Integrable systems in magnetic fields: the generalized parabolic cylindrical case
Kubů, O.; Marchesiello, A.; Šnobl, L.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2024, 57(23), 1-21. ISSN 1751-8113.
This article is a contribution to the classification of quadratically integrable systems with vector potentials whose integrals are of the nonstandard, nonseparable type. We focus on generalized parabolic cylindrical case, related to non-subgroup-type coordinates. We find three new systems, two with magnetic fields polynomial in Cartesian coordinates and one with unbounded exponential terms. The limit in the parameters of the integrals yields a new parabolic cylindrical system; the limit of vanishing magnetic fields leads to the free motion. This confirms the conjecture that non-subgroup type integrals can be related to separable systems only in a trivial manner.
Integrable systems of the ellipsoidal, paraboloidal and conical type with magnetic field
Fazlul Hoque, M.; Marchesiello, A.; Šnobl, L.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2024, 57(22), 1-31. ISSN 1751-8113.
We construct integrable Hamiltonian systems with magnetic fields of the ellipsoidal, paraboloidal and conical type, i.e. systems that generalize natural Hamiltonians separating in the respective coordinate systems to include nonvanishing magnetic field. In the ellipsoidal and paraboloidal case each this classification results in three one-parameter families of systems, each involving one arbitrary function of a single variable and a parameter specifying the strength of the magnetic field of the given fully determined form. In the conical case the results are more involved, there are two one-parameter families like in the other cases and one class which is less restrictive and so far resists full classification.
Integration of PXROS-HR with Micro-ROS in Robotic Systems
Zahradník, J.; Daňhel, M.; Kubátová, H.
2024 13th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO). Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 2024. p. 119-124. ISSN 2637-9511. ISBN 979-8-3503-8756-8.
Invited/Awarded proceedings paper
This paper introduces a streamlined integration of PXROS-HR with Micro-ROS for real-world applications, addressing challenges present in earlier approaches. The updated implementation simplifies the integration process by leveraging UART communication and removing external dependencies. The transition from a packet-oriented to a stream-oriented custom transport enhances consistency, while the ROS 2 demonstration using MoveIt 2, a manipulation framework for robotics applications, showcases precise robotic arm movement. This lightweight solution significantly improves accessibility and reduces dependencies on external software, marking a notable advancement in integrating safety-certified RTOS with Micro-ROS.
Investigation into Training Dynamics of Learned Optimizers (Student Abstract)
Sobotka, J.; Šimánek, P.
Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Menlo Park: AAAI Press, 2024. p. 23657-23658. vol. 38. ISSN 2374-3468. ISBN 978-1-57735-887-9.
Proceedings paper
Modern machine learning heavily relies on optimization, and as deep learning models grow more complex and data-hungry, the search for efficient learning becomes crucial. Learned optimizers disrupt traditional handcrafted methods such as SGD and Adam by learning the optimization strategy itself, potentially speeding up training. However, the learned optimizers' dynamics are still not well understood. To remedy this, our work explores their optimization trajectories from the perspective of network architecture symmetries and proposed parameter update distributions.
Jacobi–Lie Models and Supergravity Equations
Hlavatý, L.; Petr, I.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2024, 2024(5), ISSN 2050-3911.
Poisson-Lie T-duality/plurality was recently generalized to Jacobi-Lie T-plurality formulated in terms of Double Field Theory and based on Leibniz algebras given by structure coefficients $f_{ab}{}^{c}, f_{c}{}^{ab},$ and $Z_a, Z^a$. We investigate three- and four-dimensional sigma models corresponding to six-dimensional Leibniz algebras with $f_b{}^{ba} \neq 0$, $Z^a=0$. We show that these algebras are plural one to another and, moreover, to an algebra with $f_b{}^{ba}= 0$, $Z^a=0$. These pluralities are used for construction of Jacobi--Lie models.
It was conjectured that plural models should satisfy generalized supergravity equations. We have found examples of models satisfying ``true'' generalized supergravity equations where no trivialization to usual supergravity equations s is possible. On the other hand, we show that there are also models corresponding to algebras with $f_b{}^{ba}\neq 0$, $Z^a=0$ where the Killing vector appearing in generalized supergravity equations either vanishes or can be removed by suitable gauge transformation. Such models then satisfy usual supergravity equations, i.e. vanishing beta-function equations.