Computer Systems and Virtualization

Computer systems belong among the most complex engineering works created by humans, and so far their size and performance has grown exponentially in accordance with the Moore’s law. Students of this specialization acquire knowledge at the level of architects and administrators of computer systems, networks, servers, data storages, and cloud computing systems. They will be able to work in technology, consultant, and business positions in industry, public institutions, or state administration.

What will you learn?

The specialization prepares experts that can design the architecture of computer systems, that master their configuration, administration, performance tuning, ensuring high accessibility. And ensure continuous operation using modern virtualization techniques and tools. Computer security as an indispensable part of ensuring proper operation of computer systems is a thread running through the study plan. You will be able to:

  • Understand modern architectures of computer systems, servers, data storages, and cloud computing systems
  • Use virtualization techniques and tools to ensure the operation and automation of computer systems administration
  • Configure, scale, and virtualize computer systems, tune their performance, ensure their system security, and high availability

What jobs will you be able to do?

You will be able to find jobs in IT positions in companies, public institutions and government agencies, as developers and architects in companies developing computer systems, and as consultants and businesspeople. You can become:

  • Administrator of computer and network infrastructure
  • System engineer
  • IT consultant
  • Architect or security analyst of computer systems

prof. Ing. Pavel Tvrdík, CSc.

Study advisor for master self-funded students
Head of the Department of Computer Systems

The person responsible for the content of this page: Ing. Zdeněk Muzikář, CSc.