EU Industry, Research and Energy Committee visited RoboAgeLab at FIT

23. 2. 2022Ivana Macnarová

On Tuesday, 22 February 2022, the rector doc. Vojtěch Petráček welcomed a delegation of the Committee for Industry, Research and Energy from the European Union at the CTU in Prague. As part of their tour of the University, they visited the Robotic Agent Laboratory.

Rector Mr. Petráček welcomed the delegation of the Committee for Industry, Research and Energy from the European Union led by its chairman Cristian-Silviu Buşoi to CTU and presented the work of the university, the achievements of students and explained how cooperation with other universities is taking place.

The EU delegation visited the Robotic Agent Laboratory at the Faculty of Information Technology, opened earlier this year, where they were able to see what robotic agents can do. The robotic agents that the lab is equipped with include ground mobile robots and miniature flying drones. Robotic agents must work with many other, usually identical robots to accomplish a task that one robot alone would not be enough to do.

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