Available postdoc positions at FIT 2022

The Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Technical University in Prague offers 3 postdoc positions (partially within the CTU Global Postdoc Fellowship, partially within the faculty’s own postdoc program). This attractive fellowship program provides an opportunity for excellent researchers who have recently completed their PhD to continue their research careers at the CTU in Prague. Fellows receive a two-year fellowship and become members of a team led by a mentor. The deadline for applying is 12 October.

Who is the program for?

The fellowship aims primarily at external international scientists who are currently conducting research abroad. Applicants must have completed their PhD within the last seven years (i.e. 2016 or later). The fellowship aims at authors (co-authors) of two or more publications in a journal with IF.

Available positions

Applicants are advised to contact mentors for more details on the position/topic.

Topic #8-22-1: Fixed Parameter Tractability in Computation Social Choice

Short description of the topic

Fixed-parameter tractability and approximation algorithms are nowadays standard tools for design of algorithms for hard problems in the area of Computational Social Choice. Surprisingly, kernelization, a prominent technique in FPT algorithmics, is not used as often to tackle social choice problems. Kernelization is a formalism of safe data reduction which we believe does have its place in all research disciplines dealing with large and complex datasets. The most recent approach is the so-called lossy kernelization which on the one hand cooperates with approximation algorithms (unlike kernelization which can only be pipelined with exact algorithms) and on the other hand, allows circumventing hardness results (in exchange for introducing a possible loss in the quality of the solution).


Description of an ideal candidate

Ideal candidate should be familiar with several of the following areas: Parameterized complexity, integer linear programming, structural graph theory, game theory, computational social choice. Experience in optimization and in particular approximation algorithms or hardness of approximation is appreciated but not required. The candidate’s high scientific potential should be witnessed by publications in the area of algorithms or discrete math in proceedings of highly ranked international conferences and/or journals.

  • CZK 65,000 per month

Topic #8-22-2: Combinatorics on Words Formalized in Isabelle/HOL

Short description of the topic

Combinatorics on words is a research domain dealing with words, finite or infinite, and their various properties, and properties of derived structures, such as word monoids and languages. It is not rare to find very technical proofs, on the limit of what a human reader can soundly check.

An ongoing project of formalization of Combinatorics on words targets such claims and their proofs, and aims to formalize them in the generic proof assistant Isabelle/HOL. The research topic for this position would be part of this project, and its goal would be to work on some of good formalization candidates such as:

  • properties of D0L-systems (such as recognizability);
  • properties of codings of infinite words;
  • synchronization delay of families of infinite words fixed by a morphism.

Project page MENTOR’S PAGE

Description of an ideal candidate

Ideal candidate should

  1. be familiar with combinatorics on words and be strongly interested in formalization of mathematics; or
  2. be familiar with formalization in Isabelle/HOL with a strong interest in a project of formalization of a previously unformalized research domain.
  • CZK 65,000 per month

Topic #8-22-3: Multi-agent Path Finding

Short description of the topic

Multi-agent path finding (MAPF) is a problem of navigating multiple agents to their individual goal positions so that agents do not collide. The problem has been intensively studied recently from the perspective of heuristic search. However, there are still open questions especially in compilation-based approaches to MAPF and in how to reflect properties of real environments such as continuity of space and time in formal models of MAPF. Tests of novel concepts on real robots in a laboratory are an optional part of this research.


Description of an ideal candidate

The ideal candidate should actively publish in artificial intelligence venues (AAAI, IJCAI, …) and/or in specialized venues focused on planning, heuristic search (ICAPS, AAMAS, SoCS, …), or robotics (ICRA, IROS, …) and in related journals (JAIR, AIJ). Strong programming skills preferably in C/C++ are required.

  • CZK 65,000 per month


To apply for this program, you need the following documents in English:

  • Filled in a Cover letter (available in DOCX format).
  • CV, including a list of publications (max. 4 pages). At least 2 publications in a journal with IF are required. Papers accepted for publication yet waiting to be printed do count if a proof of acceptance is provided.
  • Motivation letter (max. 2 pages).
  • PhD certificate (copy).
  • You may attach other documents supporting your application, such as recommendation letters.

The application must reach the CTU by 12 October 2022 and should be sent to research@fit.cvut.cz by email or by post to:

Office of Science and Research
Faculty of Information Technology
CTU in Prague

Thákurova 9
160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic

Selection process

Applications will be assessed by a committee based on documents sent by applicants. The mentor has a strong vote in the selection process. An (online) interview will be organized preferably within the first half of September.

The final decision of the committee will be communicated to applicants by 13 October 2022. Fellows are expected to start their job at the CTU at the latest by January 2023.

The person responsible for the content of this page: Bc. Veronika Dvořáková