Department of Digital Design FIT hosted the International DDECS conference

21. 4. 2022Ivana Macnarová

The Faculty of Information Technology organized the 25th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS), which took place from 6 to 8 April 2022 in Prague. The conference was one of the first live international events after the Covid break. 

DDECS provides a forum for exchanging ideas, discussing research results, and presenting practical applications in the areas of design, test, and diagnosis of digital, analog, and mixed-signal circuits and systems. This year’s Prague event was attended by 70 participants from both the academic sphere and the industry.

The conference brought presentations from experts in different areas, such as Janusz Rajski from Siemens in testing, Rolf Drechsler from the University of Bremen in verification, and Lejla Batina from Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, in hardware security. Presentations by industrial partners were represented by companies Intel and SYSGO. 23 papers selected from 62 submitted from 16 countries on 4 continents were presented. All participants rated the conference as very successful.

Following her lecture at the conference, Professor Lejla Batina from Radboud University in the Netherlands will speak exclusively at FIT on Thursday, 28 April 2022 at 18:00 with Deep Learning and Physical Attacks on Embedded Systems: How Deep can we go?. In her talk, she will survey some recent results on the two-fold connection between deep learning and side-channel analysis and discuss directions for future work. Her lecture will be preceded at 16:30 by a lecture on Permutation-based Cryptography by Joan Deamen, a Belgian cryptologist and one of the two authors of the world-famous AES/Rijndael cipher. His lecture will be about a counter-movement that started to clean up symmetric cryptography. In particular, this is a re-factoring where block ciphers are replaced by cryptographic permutations and so-called deck functions as central primitives.

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