COFIT jobs fair in the 2021/2022 winter semester


13. 10. 2021
11:00 – 18:00


Atrium of the New Building

Thákurova 9, Prague 6





COFIT combines a jobs fair with a technology conference. This event aims to present current research faculty projects and the possibilities of cooperation with company experts, innovation managers, HR specialists, academic experts from laboratories and students. The event is intended for students of all programs and specializations. The fair will be in the contact form and include an online technology conference with talks of company and faculty experts.

Wednesday, 13 Oct. 2021, 11:00–18:00
Atrium of the New Building of CTU

The COFIT jobs fair will take place in the contact form at FIT CTU and include an online technology conference with talks of company and faculty experts.

PROGRAM Online conference FB EVENT

Contact program

Company kiosks

Atrium of the New Building of CTU

Find out what opportunities you have during your studies and what career goals you can achieve.


Technology conference

Room T9:152

What projects are being created in our laboratories? What interesting will company experts reveal from practice? We invite you to a screening of COFIT talk technology discussions.


Information kiosk of FIT CTU Cooperation with Industry

Atrium of the New Building of CTU

At this information kiosk, we will give you information about the fair. You will find out what possibilities you have to cooperate with the industry, and you can sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) due to protected project assignments.

CTU Career Centre

Atrium of the New Building of CTU

Use the opportunity of professional career counseling at CTU. They offer CV and LinkedIn consultations and provide valuable tips for jobs interviews.


Elevator pitch

Elevators near the aquamat at the Faculty of Civil Engineering

14 floors, 60 seconds, you, your project and a potential investor or partner. Can you engage the investors’ attention and gain some time for a more profound presentation of your project and potential investments? Watch a demo and try your pitch in the elevators at the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

No registration is required. The meeting is at the information kiosk in the atrium of the New Building of CTU.

Who can you meet in the elevator?
  • Pavel Kordík: Vice-Dean for Cooperation with Industry

  • David Pešek: technology scout and innovator

  • Ondra Brém: UX a Service designer a innovator

  • Sara Polak: AI popularizer and startup consultant

Matchmaking – connecting with right companies

Online + F2F

We bring an opportunity to connect you with the faculty partners. The following short form will help us get to know you better and connect you with the right companies, whether you're looking for a job, a part-time job or conducting a thesis.

Share what you're interested in, come to the COFIT career fair and get to know the experts from the partner companies and selected labs.


How to train your algorithm? (Tomas Mikolov & Sara Polak)

Lecture room T9:105
  • AI experts Sara Polak & Tomáš Mikolov
  • We recommend the Elements of AI course from, upon which the lecture is found.
  • The lecture will be in Czech, we will also stream it live, and the recording will be available here on the website.

What’s an algorithm? How can you train it? How do you make it more accurate? And is it really that much of a black box? With the use case of text classification and the Fasttext demo, Tomas Mikolov and Sara Polak will show you the anatomy of algorithms and explain why they work the way they work, as well as burst the most common misconceptions about them.

Sara Polak

Sara is originally an archaeologist and evolutionary anthropologist who has spent the last 8 years in tech startups in LA and London. She focuses on the formation of the concept of Cloud Civilisations, which are a mechanism of how to best use technology to optimalize society’s evolutionary potential. She popularises and demystifies AI for the general public and founded the tech clubhouse Paioneers in Parallel Polis.

Tomáš Mikolov

Tomas Mikolov is a researcher at CIIRC, CTU in Prague. Currently, he leads a research team focusing on developing novel techniques within the area of complex systems, artificial life and evolution. Previously, he worked at Facebook AI and Google Brain, where he led the development of popular machine learning tools such as word2vec and fastText. He obtained PhD at the Brno University of Technology in 2012 for his work on neural language models (the RNNLM project). His main research interest is to understand intelligence and create artificial intelligence that can help people solve complex problems.

Online technology conference

COFIT talk

What projects are being created in our laboratories? What interesting will company experts reveal from practice? Check out the technology discussions with Sara Polak.

The person responsible for the content of this page: Bc. Veronika Dvořáková