Seminář G²OAT: Unfriendly Partitions


24. 4. 2023


Místnost TH:A-1247

Thákurova 7, Praha 6



V rámci pravidelného pondělního semináře skupiny G²OAT vystoupí Jan Starý z Katedry aplikované matematiky FIT ČVUT. Ve své odborné přednášce se bude věnovat tématu Unfriendly Partitions.

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A partition of a graph into two parts is unfriendly if every node has at least as many neighbours in the other half as in its own. Finite graphs always have an unfriendly partition (maximal cut), and a locally-finite graph (every node is of finite degree) has an unfriendly partition by a compactness argument. Not all graphs have unfriendly partitions, but the counter-examples (Shelah, 1980’s) are uncountable. So the remaining question is: Do countable graphs always have an unfriendly partition? Apart from the case above (and a few more subclasses), the question seems to remain widely open.

Za obsah stránky zodpovídá: Bc. Veronika Dvořáková