Towards OntoUML for Software Engineering: Experimental Evaluation of Exclusivity Constraints in Relational Databases
Model and Data Engineering. Springer, Cham, 2018. p. 58-73. vol. 1. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-030-00855-0.
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Model-driven development approach to software engineering requires precise models defining as much of the system as possible. OntoUML is a conceptual modelling language based on Unified Foundational Ontology, which provides constructs to create ontologically well-founded and precise conceptual models. In the approach we utilize, OntoUML is used for making conceptual models of software application data and this model is then transformed into its proper realization in a relational database. In these transformations, the implicit constraints defined by various OntoUML universal types and relations are realized by database views and triggers. In this paper, we specifically discuss the realization of phase partitions of Phase types from the OntoUML model by exclusive associations and provide an experimental evaluation of this approach.
Towards OntoUML for Software Engineering: Optimizing Kinds and Subkinds Transformed into Relational Databases
Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation. Springer, Cham, 2018. p. 31-45. ISSN 1865-1348. ISBN 978-3-030-00786-7.
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Model-driven development approach to software engineering requires precise models defining as much of the system as possible. OntoUML is a conceptual modelling language based on UFO, which provides constructs to create ontologically well-founded and precise conceptual models. In the approach we utilize, OntoUML is used for making conceptual models of software application data. Such a model is then transformed into its proper realization in a relational database, preserving all the implicit constraints defined by various types of universals and relations in the original OntoUML model. In this paper, we discuss possible optimizations of the transformation of Kinds and Subkinds – rigid sortal universal types, a backbone of OntoUML models.
Towards OntoUML for Software Engineering: Transformation of Kinds and Subkinds into Relational Databases
COMSIS - Computer Science and Information Systems. 2017, 14(3), 913-937. ISSN 1820-0214.
OntoUML is an ontologically well-founded conceptual modelling language that distinguishes various types of classifiers and relations providing precise meaning to the modelled entities. While Model-Driven Development is a wellestablished approach, OntoUML has been overlooked so far as a conceptual modelling language for the PIM of application data. This paper is an extension of the paper presented at MDASD 2016, where we outlined the transformation of Rigid Sortal Types – Kinds and Subkinds. In this paper, we discuss the details of various variants of the transformation of these types and the rigid generalization sets. The result of our effort is a complete method for preserving high-level ontological constraints during the transformations, specifically special multiplicities and generalization set meta-properties in a relational database using views, CHECK constraints and triggers.
Towards OntoUML for Software Engineering: Introduction to The Transformation of OntoUML into Relational Databases
Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation. Wien: Springer, 2016. p. 67-83. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. ISSN 1865-1348. ISBN 978-3-319-49453-1.
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OntoUML is an ontologically well-founded conceptual modelling language that distinguishes various types of classifiers and relations providing precise meaning to the modelled entities. Efforts arise to incorporate OntoUML into the Model-Driven Development approach as the conceptual modelling language for the platform independent model of application data. This paper discusses the transformation of an OntoUML platform independent model into an implementation specific model of a relational database schema, while preserving the semantics of the OntoUML universal types.
Towards OntoUML for Software Engineering: Transformation of Anti-rigid Sortal Types into Relational Databases
Model and Data Engineering 2016. Basel: Springer, 2016. p. 1-15. 1. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-319-45546-4.
Stať ve sborníku
OntoUML is an ontologically well-founded conceptual modelling language that distinguishes various types of classifiers and relations providing precise meaning to the modelled entities. Efforts arise to incorporate OntoUML into the Model-Driven Development approach as a conceptual modelling language for the PIM of application data. In our previous research, we outlined our approach to the transformation of an OntoUML PIM into an ISM of a relational database. In a parallel paper, we discuss the details of the transformation of Rigid Sortal Types, while this paper is focused on the transformation of Anti-rigid Sortal Types.
Towards OntoUML for Software Engineering: Transformation of Rigid Sortal Types into Relational Databases
Proceedings of the 2016 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016. p. 1581-1591. ISBN 978-83-60810-90-3.
Stať ve sborníku
OntoUML is an ontologically well-founded conceptual modelling language that distinguishes various types of classifiers and relations providing precise meaning to the modelled entities. Efforts arise to incorporate OntoUML into the Model-Driven Development approach as a conceptual modelling language for the PIM of application data. In a prequel paper, we have introduced and outlined our approach for a transformation of OntoUML PIM into a PSM of a relational database. In this paper, we discuss the details of various variants of the transformation of Rigid Sortal types of OntoUML.
Instance-Level Modelling and Simulation Revisited
Pergl, R.; Sales, T.P.; Rybola, Z.
Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation. Berlin: Springer, 2013. p. 85-100. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. ISSN 1865-1348. ISBN 978-3-642-41637-8.
Stať ve sborníku
Instance-level modelling is a sort of conceptual modelling
that deals with concrete objects instead of general classes and types.
Instance-level modelling approach o ers a rather innovative way for com-
munication with domain experts extremely useful for them, as they can
see their real data in the context of the given model. Various approaches
were presented in the paper Instance-Level modelling and Simulation
Using Lambda-Calculus and Object-Oriented Environments" at EOMAS
2011. The present paper is a sequel and it presents additional approaches
we nd useful in practice: Fact-oriented modelling, OntoUML in combi-
nation with OCL and the Alloy and Eclipse-based framework Dresden-
OCL.We present key features of the various approaches and demonstrate
them on a running example, we follow up with a discussion comparing
these approaches. Notice that OntoUML combined with the Alloy is an
original research achievement built on the research of OntoUML.
Possible Realizations of Multiplicity Constraints
Rybola, Z.; Richta, K.
COMSIS - Computer Science and Information Systems. 2013, 10(4), 1621-1646. ISSN 1820-0214.
Model Driven Development (MDD) approach is often used to model application data and behavior by a Platform Independent Model (PIM) and to generate Platform Specific Models (PSMs) and even the source code by model transformations. However, these transformations usually omit constraints of the binary association multiplicities, especially the source class optionality constraint. This paper is an extended version of the paper ’Transformation of Special Multiplicity Constraints - Comparison of Possible Realizations’ presented at MDASD workshop at the FedCSIS 2012 conference. In this paper, we summarize the process of the transformation of a binary association from a PIM into a PSM for relational databases. We suggest several possible realizations of the source class optionality constraint to encourage the automatically transformation and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.We also provide experimental comparison of our suggested realizations to the common realization where this constraint is omitted.
Towards OntoUML for Software Engineering: From Domain Ontology to Implementation Model
Pergl, R.; Sales, T.P.; Rybola, Z.
Proceedings of MEDI 2013. Berlin: Springer, 2013. p. 249-263. LNCS. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-642-41365-0.
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OntoUML is a promising method for ontological modelling.
In this paper, we discuss its possible use for software engineering.We propose
a method of transformation of an ontological model into a softwareengineering
object-oriented class model in UML and its instantiation.
Our approach is based on the following best practices: pure objectoriented
paradigm and approach of dividing state and identity as introduced
in the Clojure programming language.
Transformation of Special Multiplicity Constraints-Comparison of Possible Realizations
Rybola, Z.; Richta, K.
Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2012). New York: IEEE, 2012. pp. 1357-1364. ISBN 978-1-4673-0708-6.
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This paper deals with transformation of a binary relationship from Platform Independent Model (PIM) to Platform Specific Model (PSM) for relational database from the point of view of Model Driven Development (MDD). The paper summarizes the transformation of a binary relationship with multiplicity constraints and focus on problems of the current approach for such transformations. In this particular paper, we define a special OCL constraint for source entity parciality that is usually omitted during transformation. This constraint is easily transformable to PSM and can be transformed automatically with the model. We suggest three various possible realizations for the defined constraint. We also present some experiments to demonstrate that our approach with the special constraint is equivalent in execution time to the current approach of a binary relationship realization in a relational database while providing better consistency control. Finally, we generalize our proposed solution to be used for special multiplicity values used in PIM that cannot be enforced by the foreign key mechanism.
Using OCL in Model Validation According to Stereotypes
Rybola, Z.; Richta, K.
DATESO 2012. Praha: MATFYZPRESS, vydavatelství Matematicko-fyzikální fakulty UK, 2012. pp. 93-102. ISSN 1613-0073. ISBN 978-80-7378-171-2.
Stať ve sborníku
Model-Driven Development approach became popular in past
years. Domain-specific profiles are defined for various domains and tools
are used to transform models using these profiles to source code artifacts.
However, rules need to be defined for the profile elements usage so the
transformation can be effective and reliable.
This paper deals with an approach of expressing these rules using special
type of metamodel with UML class diagrams with the stereotypes
defined in the profile - we call them constraint diagrams. Each class in
this metamodel represent all classes in the model with the same stereotype.
Using stereotyped associations, we can link classes with different
stereotypes and restrict the usage of such stereotype only to relations
between specific stereotyped classes in the model. OCL constraints can
be generated from the constraint diagram to enable validation of the
model according to the rules in the metamodel. This paper deals with
the description of the constraint diagram creation and OCL constraints
Validation of stereotypes' usage in UML class model by generated OCL constraints
Rybola, Z.; Richta, K.
Information Technologies - Applications and Theory 2012. Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2012. pp. 25-32. ISBN 978-80-971144-1-1.
Stať ve sborníku
The Model Driven Development approach became popular in the past years. Domain-specific profifies are defifined for various domains and tools are used to transform UML class models using these profifiles to source code artifacts. However, rules need to be defined for the profifile elements' usage so the transformation can be efffective and reliable. The paper deals with an approach of expressing these specific rules using a special type of meta-model using UML class diagram notation with the stereotypes defifined in the profile { we call them constraint diagrams. In these diagrams we can restrict usage of specific stereotypes according to the other connected stereotypes. OCL invariants can be generated from these diagrams that can be used to validate a model that uses the profifile. The approach is illustrated on an example of a UML profifile for J2EE and Flex application.
Constraints for multiplicities of binary relationships
POSTER 2011 - 15th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, 2011. pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-80-01-04806-1.
Stať ve sborníku
Model Driven Development (MDD) or Model
Driven Architecture (MDA) - a concept defined and presented
by the Object Management Group (OMG) - are
widely used terms nowadays. MDD defines techniques to
develop software systems using variety of models together
with a set of model transformations. MDD also defines several
levels of models according to abstraction level - computation
independent models (CIM), platform independent
models (PIM), platform specific models (PSM) and implementation
specific models (ISM).
This paper deals with constraints for multiplicities of binary
relationships. These contraints are defined on the PIM level
using notation of UML class diagrams and Object Contraint
Language (OCL) so automated tools can be used for transformations
to PSM. Examples of such transformation to PSM
for relational database are given to illustrate constraints' realization
in PSM.
Realizace omezení pro násobnosti vztahů mezi entitami v relačních databázích
Rybola, Z.; Richta, K.
DATAKON 2011. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2011. pp. 93-102. ISBN 978-80-214-4329-7.
Stať ve sborníku
Modelem řízený vývoj (Model Driven Development, MDD) prosazuje myšlenku tvorby řady modelů na různé úrovni abstrakce - výpočetně nezávislý model (CIM), platformově nezávislý model (PIM), platformově specifický model (PSM) a implementačně specifický model (ISM). Důležitou součástí MDD jsou transformace mezi jednotlivými modely - v dopředném směru od obecnějšího modelu ke konkrétnějšímu, i ve zpětném směru. To umožňuje automatizování vývoje ve formě generování kódu nebo validaci analytických a návrhových modelů. Při transformaci binárních vztahů z PIM do PSM je třeba uvažovat omezení daná násobností těchto vztahů. Tento příspěvek se zabývá definicí omezení pro násobnosti definované v PIM a způsoby jejich realizace na úrovni PSM v relačních databázích.
Transformation of Binary Relationships with Particular Multiplicity
Rybola, Z.; Richta, K.
DATESO 2011. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2011. p. 25-38. 1. ISSN 1613-0073. ISBN 978-80-248-2391-1.
Stať ve sborníku
The paper deals with one small step in the process of model driven development (MDD). This paper describes basic principles and restrictions for transformations of binary relationships and transformations of binary relationships with the particular multiplicity from PIM level into PSM level. The idea is illustrated on examples.
Transformation of relationships from UML/OCL to SQL
Richta, K.; Rybola, Z.
ITAT 2011: Zborník príspevkov prezentovaných na konferencii ITAT. Košice: Univerzita P.J.Šafárika, 2011. pp. 31-37. ISBN 978-80-89557-01-1.
Stať ve sborníku
The paper deals with one particular step in the
process of model driven development (MDD). MDD sup-
poses that the software development process is the sequence
of model transformations from computation independent
models (CIM) to platform independent models (PIM), plat-
form specific models (PSM), and implementation specific
models (ISM). Similar transformations can support reverse
engineering processes. This paper describes principles and
possibilities for transformations of the class model in UML
with integrity constraints in OCL from PIM level into PSM
level. The idea will be illustrated on examples.