Ing. Jan Matyáš Křišťan


Exact Algorithms and Lowerbounds for Multiagent Path Finding: Power of Treelike Topology

Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Menlo Park: AAAI Press, 2024. p. 17380-17388. ISSN 2159-5399.
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In the Multiagent Path Finding (MAPF for short) problem, we focus on efficiently finding non-colliding paths for a set of k agents on a given graph G, where each agent seeks a path from its source vertex to a target. An important measure of the quality of the solution is the length of the proposed schedule l, that is, the length of a longest path (including the waiting time). In this work, we propose a systematic study under the parameterized complexity framework. The hardness results we provide align with many heuristics used for this problem, whose running time could potentially be improved based on our Fixed-Parameter Tractability (FPT) results. We show that MAPF is W[1]-hard with respect to k (even if k is combined with the maximum degree of the input graph). The problem remains NP-hard in planar graphs even if the maximum degree and the makespan l are fixed constants. On the positive side, we show an FPT algorithm for k+l. As we continue, the structure of G comes into play. We give an FPT algorithm for parameter k plus the diameter of the graph G. The MAPF problem is W[1]-hard for cliquewidth of G plus l while it is FPT for treewidth of G plus l.

Constant factor approximation for tracking paths and fault tolerant feedback vertex set

Blažej, V.; Choudhary, P.; Knop, D.; Křišťan, J.; Suchý, O.; Valla, T.
Discrete Optimization. 2023, 47 ISSN 1572-5286.
Consider a vertex-weighted graph G with a source s and a target t. TRACKING PATHS requires finding a minimum weight set of vertices (trackers) such that the sequence of trackers in each path from s to t is unique. In this work, we derive a factor 6-approximation algorithm for TRACKING PATHS in weighted graphs and a factor 4-approximation algorithm if the input is unweighted. This is the first constant factor approximation for this problem. While doing so, we also study approximation of the closely related r-FAULT TOLERANT FEEDBACK VERTEX SET problem. There, for a fixed integer r and a given vertex-weighted graph G, the task is to find a minimum weight set of vertices intersecting every cycle of G in at least r+1 vertices. We give a factor O(r) approximation algorithm for r-FAULT TOLERANT FEEDBACK VERTEX SET if r is a constant.

Polynomial kernels for tracking shortest paths

Blažej, V.; Choudhary, P.; Knop, D.; Křišťan, J.; Suchý, O.; Valla, T.
Information Processing Letters. 2023, 179(1), ISSN 1872-6119.
Given an undirected graph G = (V , E), vertices s,t ∈ V , and an integer k, Tracking Shortest Paths requires deciding whether there exists a set of k vertices T ⊆ V such that for any two distinct shortest paths between s and t, say P1 and P2, we have T ∩ V (P1) != T ∩ V (P2). In this paper, we give the first polynomial size kernel for the problem. Specifically we show the existence of a kernel with O(k2) vertices and edges in general graphs and a kernel with O(k) vertices and edges in planar graphs for the Tracking Paths in DAG problem. This problem admits a polynomial parameter transformation to Tracking Shortest Paths, and this implies a kernel with O(k4) vertices and edges for Tracking Shortest Paths in general graphs and a kernel with O(k2) vertices and edges in planar graphs. Based on the above we also give a single exponential algorithm for Tracking Shortest Paths in planar graphs.

Shortest Dominating Set Reconfiguration under Token Sliding

Křišťan, J.; Svoboda, J.
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory. Springer, Cham, 2023. p. 333-347. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-031-43586-7.
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In this paper, we present novel algorithms that efficiently compute a shortest reconfiguration sequence between two given dominating sets in trees and interval graphs under the Token Sliding model. In this problem, a graph is provided along with its two dominating sets, which can be imagined as tokens placed on vertices. The objective is to find a shortest sequence of dominating sets that transforms one set into the other, with each set in the sequence resulting from sliding a single token in the previous set. While identifying any sequence has been well studied, our work presents the first polynomial algorithms for this optimization variant in the context of dominating sets.

Constant Factor Approximation for Tracking Paths and Fault Tolerant Feedback Vertex Set

Blažej, V.; Choudhary, P.; Knop, D.; Křišťan, J.; Suchý, O.; Valla, T.
Approximation and Online Algorithms - 19th International Workshop, WAOA 2021, Lisbon, Portugal, September 6-10, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, Cham, 2021. p. 23-38. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). vol. 12982. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-030-92701-1.
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Consider a vertex-weighted graph G with a source s and a target t. Tracking Paths requires finding a minimum weight set of vertices (trackers) such that the sequence of trackers in each path from s to t is unique. In this work, we derive a factor 66-approximation algorithm for Tracking Paths in weighted graphs and a factor 4-approximation algorithm if the input is unweighted. This is the first constant factor approximation for this problem. While doing so, we also study approximation of the closely related r -Fault Tolerant Feedback Vertex Set problem. There, for a fixed integer r and a given vertex-weighted graph G, the task is to find a minimum weight set of vertices intersecting every cycle of G in at least r+1 vertices. We give a factor O(r^2) approximation algorithm for r -Fault Tolerant Feedback Vertex Set if r is a constant.

On the m-eternal Domination Number of Cactus Graphs

Blažej, V.; Křišťan, J.; Valla, T.
Reachability Problems. Springer, Cham, 2019. p. 33-47. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-030-30805-6.
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Given a graph $G$, guards are placed on vertices of $G$. Then vertices are subject to an infinite sequence of attacks so that each attack must be defended by a guard moving from a neighboring vertex. The m-eternal domination number is the minimum number of guards such that the graph can be defended indefinitely. In this paper we study the m-eternal domination number of cactus graphs, that is, connected graphs where each edge lies in at most two cycles, and we consider three variants of the m-eternal domination number: first variant allows multiple guards to occupy a single vertex, second variant does not allow it, and in the third variant additional ``eviction'' attacks must be defended. We provide a new upper bound for the m-eternal domination number of cactus graphs, and for a subclass of cactus graphs called Christmas cactus graphs, where each vertex lies in at most two cycles, we prove that these three numbers are equal. Moreover, we present a linear-time algorithm for computing them.